maybe it happens to you
maybe you make it happen
maybe you just witness it
maybe a video camera captures
all or part
so you can post it to YouTube
with a title
and a bit of introduction
possibly when and where
possibly who
some tags that capture
what makes it interesting
if it's not self-explanatory
you may embed it in your blog
if you got audio but not video
you may add photos of the actors
graph their paths in space
if you got photos but
no audio
you may transcribe the dialog
if no photos
you may sketch them
graphically or verbally
maybe as a cartoon
with speech balloons
or as machinima
or posed action figures
or re-enacted by friends
by professionals
by the original players
or you can write a song about it
or weave a novel around it
or you can just retell it in words
typed out
or podcast
or vlogged
tagged maybe
with the actors' names
the props involved
the emotions
the themes and motifs
and before long
one hopes
a scriptable Sims
will let you choose from menus
and the included
will offer a
default machinima rendering
which you can tweak
but we need to build
that storybase
and it's orders of magnitude
than Sims/Sims2
Sims99, maybe
so to address
that mess
i've proposed this
Tree-of-Life visualisation
as one more
new discipline
for retelling stories
abstracting them down
to branching colored lines
lifelines plus antimath