orbiting Moonwise
in yahoobetical order
for a given webpage
the words that don't occur
stay at Moonslength
while the more frequent words
are promoted to inner orbits
phrases rarely occur
more than once per page
sentences and paragraphs
almost never
(rarely more than once
per Web)
a page's wordchoices
may or may not
localise its zodiac topic
but if we re-map all the words
on a given topic
by frequency
visible clustering will emerge
and topics
can be associated with websites
and individuals
can light up favorite topics green
unfavorites red
going thru
more and less experimental
when new topics are trialled
and sometimes flipflopping
green for red for green
when an old fave breeds contempt
or a lifechange makes
the unwelcome welcome
with the birth of the first child
or after a near-death wakeup call)