02 January 2008

Dec 2007 links

More beauties from Zsaj (flickr)

Sondheim for dummies (OnionAV w/yTubes)

vFair on tDunc (long via ciara)

Cell-division asymmetry: old parent/young child (sciBlog-short)

China's CO2 emissions approaching US levels (pKrug-graph)

Landscapes built from food (1pg via projo)

Don't-miss friv ontologies (McSwnys-short)

Laser pranks vvillegal? (news via /.)

Propp's (1927) 31 story-elements (site via del)

UncannyValley tech update (4pg-no-vids via ehein)

MPAA censors Gitmo poster (short via gpost)

vRedgrave bails out aQ suspects from Gitmo (UkTel via Jez)

PHB's reptilian instincts (Dilbert)

Nasa spooked by possible day366 glitch (Risks#short)

Animated gif of 200milehigh space volcano (short via cMonk)

Lo-tech ?$20 ebook design (OLPC)

What 'confusing patchwork of state rules'? (dBaker-vshort)

Cf sales of RockBand/GuitarHero Xbox/PS2/3 (stats via Ktku)

Vvvprecise date for birth of Solar System (short via /.)

200kW nuke reactor fits in basement (vshort via /.)
Short arty early aJo (2yTubes-3min via Cinem)

Nice design for Chgo-neighborhoods map (sMaps)

Lynda Barry news (Marlys)

Tributes to RobertAntonWilson (yTube-140min via tOccult)

AnaVoog retiring from Net? (blog-arcane)

eTufte on YouTube (8vids)

World lifespans map (jpeg)

Colorful-pattern generator (cLovers)

ADL's holocaust hypocrisy (mWatch)

How liberal Jews enable neocons (mWeiss-stats)

Dream impersonation of Jenna Bush (McSwnys)

Physics co-processors down to $50 (short via Ktku)

Magazine perfume ads stink (short via Jez)

All of VDP's SongCycle as jukebox (iMeem-reg-req?)

Cheap w/free-shpg knockoff electronics (cEmpt via jm)

Billboard's 25 fave rock posters (Flash-25pg)

'Bonfire of the Vanities' as prescient (iSteve)

Jigsawpuzzle rug (pic via Make)

PattonOswalt disses awards shows etc (blog via Ktku)

Giant Rat of Sumatra discovered (pic via lf)

Generate your own semanticweb-ified resume (html form)
Useful tag: contrarian (delicious)

(NotVery)DaringBookForGirls backstory (long via Jez)

Why men lose interest in their partners (Jez-stats)

CIA rendition-plane found w/tons of cocaine (dKos via Sam)

Botanist's critique of LotR et al (dYeti-short)

Lofi mp3s of VanDykeParks' Songcycle (70Mb download)

Inconclusive inquiry into origins of 'w00t' (dTongue-long)

JodieFoster emerges from closet (pic via wSmirch)

14kyo toolkit found in Jordan (text via lf) [pic]

Topical index of online ontologies (table-long)

Info-design classics as $30 posters (1pg via jGerm)
Free virtual-Lego app (Win/Mac-30Mb via trench)
HomerSimpson timelapse autobiography (yTube-60sec via gpost)

Over-the-top bEhrenreich on Disney's 'princess' meme (Nation-shortish)

Cute CyndiLauper pic (Jez)

Sheila Nicholls on iMeem (iMeem-8hits)

My don't-miss nominee as new KateBush, Sheila Nicholls (yTube-4min-Feb07)

New tDunc/Beck rumors (nyMag w/links)

Sweet rotoscoped lovesong from Kim Richey (yTube-3min)

AmyWinehouse (eg) paperdoll (Flash via Jez)

Flaubert's 'Sentimental Education' in English (multiformat)

Where the blondes are (Europe only) (sMaps)

Autumn mist (flickr-Zsaj)

Courageous cover article on IsraelLobby book (AmCon-long)

Triangular fractals made w/modeling clay (1pg-long via Make)

Zero-G makes all but 4 sex-positions impossible (2000-short via angusf)

Parking garage looks like giant bookshelf (flickr via wdiKnow)

Archeology shows OldTestament wholly fraudulent (cPunch via Xym)

Music instruments made from veggies (yTube-6min w/links via Make)

1st 5min of pPullman flick (Flash via Cinem)

Gorgeous 3D miniature of yr WoW avatar, $100+ (pix via ntendo)

Web2.0 tags on delicious (RWx-ongoing)

Making-of video for pPullman-movie game (Flash-3min via Ktku)

Game-physics demo using crates as particles (yTube-5min via Ktku)

Hi-res Euro Mars pix (pix)

New Mars orbiter images rover from 168mi up (blurry pic)

Urban-rail worldmap (sMaps)

Memoir/rave for Barbara Pym (UkTel-5arcane)

Progressive domino-theory of healthcare (pKrug-short)

aGreenspan started all the fires he put out (pKrug-short)

Tallying racial diversity in fashion mags (Jez-stats)

New NYRB incl Picasso, Iraq, jcOates (toc)

2007: Nov Oct Sep1 Aug2 Aug1 July June May April2 April March Feb