Pretty newage glitchmix vid from gIvankevicius (yTube-5min)
Opera-with-a-beat from jRalph (2mp3s, link)
OliveGarden's hidden-heartattack entrees (yTube-4min via mboed)
17 plane symmetry groups (pretty-pix via bjar)
Simpsons clip: killer dolphins (yTube-4min)
Male+female celeb faces photoshopped together (1pg-vphat via Yeeah)
Amazon's emerging web-OS (arcane via gpost)(60)
Chocolate lobby pushed Nov DST extension (NyT-E&P)
"...Bite me" (oDoffice-vshort)
EarlyNeilYoung-alikes GreatLakeSwimmers (yTube-4min)
'dubstep' = slow buzzy music eg Distance (below) (yTube-8min)
Don't-miss buzzy artvid from Distance (yTube-2min)
Halloween sound-effect samples (2mp3s-30min)
England's Mason-Dixon line (sMaps)
Young Kate Bush (many mp3s)(34)
YoungKateBush-alike Oonagh Ryder (mp3, pic)
Details on single-nanotube radio (sciBlog)
SouljaBoy makes America dance (15yTubes)
Amusing SteveBallmer (MS ceo) halloween paperdoll (jTech-Flash)
Weekly tabloid-gossip summary (Jez)
Tepid praise for Simpsons game (Cnet-long)
Original-cast MST3K revival (/.)
Hidden game-logic promotes superstitious hypotheses (Ktku w/link)
Bio-update on EdWood's Vampira (Jez-short)
jLo's career in dumps (nyPost-vshort w/popup)
African vs AfroAmerican kinship structures (iSteve)
Halloween candy timeline (McSwnys-short)
How the rich damage US society (3qd via eAard)
Mega-depressing list of 25 underreported threats (pCens via eAard)(124)
Lovely essay on Moon's role in Earth History (aBio via eAard)(86)
RonWood: Cocaine was good for Stones' music (Time-short)
Critique of KenBurns' WW2 (Znet-long)
Boardgame simulates 1960 JFK-vs-Nixon (ptThing-long)
Residual water makes popcorn perfect? (short via edV)
Cute Halloween/PacMan mashup tee (Ktku)
DianaRoss looking her age (pix via wSmirch)
Overview/update on Walt/Mearsheimer (chE-longish)
Plagiarism in US Counterinsurgency Manual (cPunch-long)
Ninja Parade Slips Through Town Unnoticed Once Again (Onion-Flash-60sec)
How lottery-winners mismanage money (MA via lf)
Toy-piano version of Rosemary'sBaby theme (3min-mp3)
HIV arrived from Haiti c1969 (Eureka)
Walgreen's to offer 'long tail' DVD burning (Reuters via Engdgt)
Mondo2000 where-are-they-now (short w/links via tOccult)
tDunc posts from beyond the grave (wStair)
Fat bearded exTrotskyite dHorowitz galvanizes left (cPunch-aCock-shortish)
3 good Iraq/ObL posts in a row (aAard)
BenStein's accidental illumination of hedgefund truth (dBaker)
Simple pretty graphics toy 'Wildcard' (Flash via vBoat)
'monopsony' = why eg Blackwater costs so much (iSteve)
sColbert vs/cf jStewart (LaT -battle via Fim)
Loonie tops $1.04 (5day-graph)
PhilG's suggestions for wealthy philanthropists (shortish)
Failed code-archeology for jMeehan's AI 'TaleSpin' (GTxA-varcane)
"Great... something else to worry about" (oDinny)
Constructing Artificial Emotions: A Design Experiment (gSutra-long via Ktku)
True Joni respects trannie Joni (Boston)
Forgotten NES game-music a sleeper hit in Japan (6yTubes-30min)
PeterSchj on FridaK (NYer-shortish)
the heron standing on one leg in the bog / Drinks his dark rum all day (NYer-Bly-vshort)
Okay vid for jukepick Nous Non Plus (yTube-3min)
Killer ?Turkish jukepick tracked down (iMeem-reg-req)
Dinosaur burrow discovered (SciNews w/pix)
Lots of ISS spacewalks scheduled (NasaTV-multiformat)
Indian pepper doubles hotness record (Eureka w/pic)
Picturebook kidpic (flickr)
ReneeZ overdoes skin-sandblasting (pix via wSmrch)
Jukepick DanDeacon podcast (mp3-20min? via wWig)
Tween fashion-victims suffer bullying (WSJ w/pix)
HarryPotter-inspired activism (itTms)
Hohum WillWright intvu (UkG via Ktku)
Rave for $400 Asus laptop (lTop via Engdgt)
'Two-state solution' update (mWeiss)
MeGivingBirthToMyself halloween costume (pic via tHow)
List of most-endangered primates (UkG via dy)
Silent animation of full ISS assembly (yTube-3min via pGen)
ElvisC sings 'Happy birthday Mrs President' to HillaryC (nyNews-no-audio via Jez)
Our next president... Stephen Colbert (E&P)
Joyce-crit on 'Bionic Woman' (5friv)
Free tacos Tuesday afternoon (cEmptor)
5fun flag-mashup app (Flash via iSthtcs)
Bjork 188-song jukebox, no reg. req. i hope (RWx)
11yo Bjork's true debut album (10mp3s)
Pro-anorexic ('ana') vignette (oDinny)
Toward a unified model of information (RWx)
Indiana's Ween-wannabes (17 mp3s)
Sane review of Lobby book (UkTel-shortish)
Vrare HarryPotter 1st edition (UkG-short)
Iraq revokes Blackwater-et-al immunity (AFP via Harpers)
Bjork duets with pjHarvey (yTube-4min) [url fixed]
USA faces humiliating loss of Iraq oil (Tom via Nation)
Pacific currents shifted 50My ago (NatGeo-2pg w/popup)
jSiberry/Issa update (MI-local)
C64 nostalgia (gSutra-arcane via Ktku)
wBu and Cheney need straitjackets, quick (LaT via vBoat)
Ten Google products you might be overlooking (lHack via mshook) (521)
Calvin&Hobbes rarities (1pg-toc via jaseib) (232)
?Reallife horrorshow evidence stumbledupon (flickr-3pg)
Baseball in poetry (pFound)
Cute Brazilian flickrcamgirl (flickr)
Mearsheimer/Walt at UCBerkeley tonight (annc)
wBu asks $88M for bunkerbusters vs Iran? (Znet-short)
Obscure Flaubert travel notes (pGut)
Iowa hs paper can't print racism-poll (E&P)
Graphics cards crack passwords fast (NewSci via Sam)
The 5 Creepiest Urban Legends (That Happen to be True) (1pg via lf) (90)
Weekly synopsis of tabloid celeb-gossip (Jez)
NyT's idiosyncratic metadata (table via mbox)
188 chronological Bjork songs and remixes (iMeem-reg-req)
Wolfram awards $25k prize for turing proof (arcane via gpost) (65)
UltraHal wins Loebner pseudo-turing contest (pr-arcane w/links)
Kidpic (flickr)
Monitoring JimWatson-on-iq bashing/defending (iSteve)
Lovely 60sec animation of birth (yTube w/notes via pGen)
LA fires atop GgMaps (GgMaps via pGen) [alt]
Judaism-the-religion's belated origin (RelAncMed)
Nifty pinball-construction puzzler (Jay-Flash)
4 best casual games (Jay w/links)
Rockin 12min ?trancemix from DanDeacon (sGram-mp3)
Reuters' mobile-journalism pda (Engdgt)
New ?official 'terrorist-buster' logo (CIA via mYg)
Ten Other Fictional Characters Whose Outings Won't Shock Us That Much (nyMag-vfriv)
Iraq vs 'Deliverance' (Newswk-longish via Harpers)
Joni's 'Hissing' demos (mp3s-phat via proJo)
Sam factchecks yesterday's WaPo on Scaife (ProRev)
NaomiWolf on wBu as classic despot (yTube-50min via vBoat)
US kids are full of toxic chemicals (CNN via vBoat) (34)
StPaul as lapsed monotheist (ntGate)
gWarming intensified by degrading CO2 sinks (sciBlg-arcane)
Appearance determines 70% of elections!?? (sciBlg)
Samples of Google's ?improved translation (Blgscpd)
Longish review of Joni ballet (on Bravo) (Can)
Update on machine translation (WSJ)
Mellow Nigerian chanteuse Asa (2mp3s)
Arty vslow CatPower vid (38Mb-QT)
Dull vid for good triphop 'Miso' (yTube-4min)
Okay gKasparov on sColbert (Flash-4min)
Easylistening in Esperanto (FMU w/mp3s)
Recommended 'task manager' RememberTheMilk (lHack via pboy) (251)
Conservative moneybags rmScaife divorce gossip (WaPo-long via pKrug)
1891 history of circumcision (pGut-long)
Nanotube skyhook fails first trial (NewSci)
Air-traffic control is a mess (AP via NasaW)
National Security Presidential Directive 51: yikes (Slate-long via eAard)
Schizos identify w/CurbYourEnthusiasm (NYer-shortish)
Tapestries as pixel-art (NYer-shortish) [GgI]
the quiet boy / wondered how he would remember the scene (NYer-short)
Riverbend living like a refugee (bBurning-longish)
Synopses of 7 hpLovecraft flicks (Cinem)
Arcane overdubbed 10min Irish self-parodies (Wiki) [7yTubes via eAard]
cOHara on mSendak: "What an interesting, smart, beautiful man" (2006-short via gpost)
Mormons for Equality and Social Justice (UT)
ImogenHeap live acapella multitracking (yTube-5min via cMonk)
'COMFY' = porting C back to machine language? (txt-arcane via Anrchia)
Nice graph of Repub candidate polling (mYg)
TSA hopeless at detecting bombs (USA2 w/popup via gpost)
TheEconomist on CA pot industry (short via gpost)
New mp3s of Mearsheimer, Finkelstein, Chomsky et al (mWatch w/links)
IMF ignores unflattering stats (Znet-Weisbrot-short)
New NYRB incl DianeKeaton (toc)
Pain trains an undisciplined mind (Poems-short-arcane)
SE US drought unprecedented (NyT w/map via Anrchia)
Long piece on hi-risk quantitative investing (TechRev-2pg)
Why hasn't jEdwards done better? (Sam)
9 dead as life imitates RoboCop (Wired via /.) (99) [more]
Best BeetleBailey ever (gif-24hrs??)
'To Die For' ...the musical? (vshort via Jez)
GoogleSets = AI??? (PhysOrg)
MonaLisa micro-discoveries (CNN via /.)
CSI:NY to visit 2ndLife (Ktku)
Linux + 8*PS3 = $3k supercomputer (Wired via Make) (108)
Weirdcool pic (flickr)
dLynch hypes TM to Israeli president (Flash-75sec-arcane)
GQ acknowledges past lapses of taste (86pg)
MemeWatch: "Did you just say 'said Pooh'?" (oDoffice)
WestBank update (Ecnmst via dy)
'Gang of 1400' wrote 75% of Wikipedia? (aaSW via dy) (488)
Hardee's new burrito has 920 calories (AP-CNN w/pic)
RIAA targets Usenet for ?1st time (Cnet)
Blood makes signal too (not just noise) (Eureka-arcane)
Vnaif musical-chairs vid from The Bicycles (yTube-2min)
Unaired themesong from GilligansIsland pilot (yTube-2min)
Patients-per-doctor worldmap (1400*1000 jpeg via sMaps)
11min timelapse of 2007 BurningMan (yTube via kasei)
Amazon offering huge mp3 referral bonuses (vshort)
RosieO gossip/profile/update (nyMag-long-1pg)
MelvinGoesToDinner star aGurwitch has a Nation column!?! (toc)
Pro-quality billboard-graffiti diy (1pg via Make)
Make every day I'm-an-idiot-day (blog via angus)
Cat-owner photoshops his own eyes onto cat (flickr-arcane)
Long investigative piece on Iran wardrumming (Esq)
Tolerably unctuous SashaFJ on indie musical decline (NYer-mp3-15min)
Many pretty color palettes (1pg-phat)
Disneyland (&c) mismanagement? (WSJ-arcane)
Antivideos for 4 new NeilYoung tunes (4yTubes via nyMag)
Neat-looking new graphic novel, Shazam (1pg-excerpt)
US aviation-security is a bad joke (Nation-short)
Simple 9x echo makes ads into trancing (Flash-3min via Waxy)
Short update on Gaza (Haaretz-Znet)
Firefox extension lets you automagically add any site-search (edV w/links)
(Not sure why I love this pic) (flickr)
AlanMoore's 5difficult poetic tribute to RobertAntonWilson (yTube-7min via tOccult)
'10 most powerful christians in hollywood' (Cinem)
Maslow's Hierarchy of Post-Industrial Needs (iGreed-vshort-5friv)
$8 AA battery hides own USB recharger (Engdgt)
Snarkily condensed LovelyBones-followup (UkG-spoilers)
DustinHoffman: "Brando would refuse to go along..." (Esq-passim)
'dry powder' = uninvested venture capital (dTongue)
Border'sBooks 2.0 (local via edV)
Experiment: numbers in parens are delicious linkcounts (del)
Nifty artsy selfportrait (flickr)
Candid Icelander portraits (flickr)
nFinkelstein on 'holocaust industry' (6yTubes -50min via dDuke)
$15 universal-history poster (1pg-pix via ET) (89)
Beerbottles redesigned for construction/recycling (blog via lorbus) (50)
The Lobby in a nutshell (mWeiss-short)
It Only Tuesday (Onion-friv)
Witty mass flickr-comments parody (loong-friv via wLotta)
16*16 music sequencer (yTube-3min w/links)
Cirque du Soleil videos (13yTubes via lf) (184)
PriceIsRight premiere blatantly rigged? (Flash-2min)
Web design-patterns illustrated (flickr via trench)
'Across the Universe' a sleeper hit? (nyMag-short)
Demo of updated physics-engine in 2ndLife (yTube-3min via nwNotes)
dLessing's literary politics (Nation)
New dCoupland 1stchapter (NyT-etext)
Iraq stats imply all-dead-males-are-aQ rule-of-thumb (cPunch-short)
Thoughtful GeneKelly bashing (Onion-AV)
nalyD sfoops lAdrieW (yTube-3min via proJo)
Half of vFair's 'most powerful' are jewish (jPost via Sam) [list]
Basejumping, or unassisted flying? (Flash-2min)
Updike on 'Peanuts' (NYer-longish)
the smell of sun and wind, the hotel smell, fresh and sweet (NYer)
Big chunks of Linklater's 'Waking Life' (yTube-search)
'jDub' = jew (dTongue)
'hard dog to keep on porch' = oversexed man (dTongue)
Likeable UK rock vid from Remi Nicole (yTube-3min)
Uterus piñata (flickr)
mAmis vs tEagleton re Islam (UkG-short)
Hip fashion/gossip blog, Jezebel (enjoying)
Respectful Yoko intvu (Arthur-long)
Knit a skunk (pic w/pdf)
Scanned archive of 70s fashion mag 'Rags' (blog via tOccult)
Moon-Venus-Saturn-Regulus (AstroPic)
Return of pjHarvey (nyMag-short)
Pretty new hi-res color Mars pix (NatGeo-5pg)
Gecko-inspired tape stays sticky? (NatGeo-2pg)
Pullman trilogy trailer, posters (Flash-3min) [posters]
MemeWatch: Odd periodic table variants (Make-1pg w/pix)
Most IsraelLobby pans penned by Jews (mWeiss-short)
Loonie approaching $1.03 (graph-24hrs)
More on Mnpls Ulysses-homage (local-shortish)
All that and a bag of chips (Sinfest)
Zombie-yoga flashmob party in NYC (annc via ttWire)
Iraq chaos facilitates stealing their oil (blog w/link via pGen)
VisualComplexity blog (blog w/rss via iSthtcs)
Lo-tech stove optimised for Darfur culture (Flash-2min via /.)
Lo-tech wind generator uses 'flutter' (Flash-2min via /.)
Awesome highschool idealist brainstorms pollution (Flash-2min via /.)
'meretocracy' = government by the most meretricious (tsia-neologisms)
1997 dLessing story (NYer-longish)
dLessing underwhelmed by Nobel news (Flash-2min)
JohnCusack interviews NaomiKlein (Flash-17min)
New SyHersh video intvu (NYer-Flash-long?)
Zsaj keeps blowin my mind (flickr)
tMonk videos (GgV-search)
Wordless graphic novel of dog and robot (1pg-excerpt)
Online checkers-AI (Chinook)
Zillions of new hi-res Jupiter pix/vids (toc via /.)
GoGos-like 'Teenagers in Tokyo' vid (yTube-4min)
Oktoberfest from above (pic)
Nifty homerun-records graph (NyT-Flash via ET)
42 pix of hippies-in-exile (1pg-phat via lorbus)
Sony accepts iMeem's free-music model (short-pr)
I guess I'm right-brain-dominant (don't-miss-animated-gif)
mostly righthanded though
Mearsheimer on Lehrer/PBS (audio/transcript)
Another luscious colorist (flickr-eg)
Short excerpt from sColbert's new book (ABC via E&P)
NorthernLights panorama (AstroPic-wide)
Achingly hip Kiwi vid from The Veils (Flash-4min)
Beatles albums compressed 8x... then re-expanded (FMU w/mp3s)
Top 50 sites of 2001 revisited (table via gpost)
Random 'grand truths' about human behavior (ET-thread)
Human pee is great fertilizer (sciBlg-short)
Proof-of-concept demos for Flash 1stperson shooter (Flash-2pg via Ktku)
25 yTubes of vstacked actresses (4pg via Cinem)
CharlesSchulz gossip (E&P-longish)
to inhabit the shocked / meadow for a time as one of them (vDaily)
A fave tune from hNilsson's 'The Point' toon (yTube-2min)
Eastern USA bakes while Western shivers (jMast w/map)
Original sSteinberg NYC map (cf yesterday) (1300*1700 jpg)
Newsweek does 'women of power' (multipage via Jez)
Predictable list of best-ever documentaries (list w/links via Cinem)
aFoxman vs rDawkins (yNet-short)
A microformat for webpagetypes (RWx-long-arcanish)
Cool pic (flickr)
PetShopBoys video embeds barcoded info-URLs (short-no-links) (yTube-4min) [more-3min]
anWilson rave for Pullman trilogy (UkTel-short)
Oxford: 'Every aspect of war on terror has been a disaster' (AFP via Sam)
NewRepublic cover Steinberg-izes Walt-Mearsheimer (small-pic)
Kids torture-test $350 Pleo robot dinosaur (yTube-5min)
4 childlike bands at Montreal show (sGram w/mp3s, vids)
Giant list of nonfriv web2.0 generators (1pg via angusf)
NicoleK's annus horribilis (Cinem w/links)
Cspan reveals support for Walt-Mearsheimer (mWeiss-short)
Israel Lobby = 'cosa nostra' (mWeiss)
Mnpls play parallels 'Ulysses' (local)
Religious experiences induced electromagnetically (SciAm-long via /.)
Borges story read by pTheroux (20min-mp3)
Backstory on 'Young Frankenstein' musical (NYer-short)
Lawrence the handyman is singing the blues / in a soft falsetto as he works (NYer-shortish)
Brainscans reveal consciousness behind comas (NYer-long)
Pretty/fey Israeli chanteuse (blog w/mp3s)
SmothersBrothers teevee family history (FMU-long)
YellowBrickRoad yellow = C0B352? (friv)
1000*700 skymap of galaxies-density (multiformat-arcane via AstroPic)
Big sites use Linux/Apache/MySQL (table via kasei)
Elegant Lego-for-engineers pixbook (80Mb-pdf via ET)
?Best-ever pix of dolphin birthing (1pg via proJo)
Cosmic filling station (Sinfest-sunday)
(Was Catch-22 written by Dr Seuss?) (oDinny)
Flickr faces (pool w/rss)
Autistic ClockworkOrange vid from frYars [sic] (yTube-4min via ant)
Wild new anomaly in astro speed-of-light (ucDavis via U2)
73days to RWWL's 10th birthday (custom clock)
Cool night cityscape (flickr)
You ascertain the weather with a fork / and an empty bottle of port (
Topnotch feed (getpost)
5witty preppyrock vid from The Hives (yTube-4min)
'5*' = semi-* = *ish
Classical movie-music cliches (UkG-Queenan via l4Nxt)
Scholarly 30min podcast on StPaul (RelAncMed w/mp3)
CrowCams reveal tool-creativity (NatGeo-2pg-no-vid) [yTube-60sec]
Nice free downloadable Halloween skulls-font (TrueType/OpenType via Make)
SineadOC on Oprah today (short via Vh1)
PrinceHarry sculpted dead as Iraq protest (pic via wSmrch)
tBurton's jDepp-as-SweeneyTodd trailer (Flash-3min via Cinem)
jSiberry/Issa update (Can) [tourdates]
New NYRB incl jMalcolm on GertrudeStein (toc)
Sublime kdLang cover of Joni's HelpMe (UkTel-asx)
Sinfest does AntiMath? (don't-miss)
if you can read this my backpack fell off (tsia-toons)
Grim economic analysis of sexiness's value (NyMag)
'Clueless' script (GeoCities)
Opensource GNU radio update (FMU-arcane)
Another view of the Barger Canon (LibraryThing)
TheyMightBeGiants jukebox w/87 full tunes (iMeem-flash)
Funny old new yOno collaborations (sGram w/mp3s)
Many mini-games on theme 'ball physics' (Jay-blog)
Ten most incomprehensible Dylan intvus (1pg w/yTubes)
dPogue loves the hoaxtop?!?!? (NyT via hAnklt)
Hillary making Sam lose heart (longish)
Giraffes slapping each other w/necks-heads (Flash-3min via Yeeah)
No web-etext of Dante's Beatrice-memoir? (RWx-short w/links)
Undisclosed food ingredients (itTms-shortish)
Top universities are vvvvvrich (iSteve-short)
Forgotten wBu/Gore posturing against Arab racial profiling (iSteve-2000)
Chinese had PIE roots 5ky ago (3Mb-pdf-varcane via eAard)
Small hot critters evolve faster? (PhysOrg-arcane)
10mm frog (SciDaily-pic)
Gentle HandsomeFamily-sounding vid from Scout Niblett (6min-multiformat)
Effortlessly inventive German rap video (yTube-4min)
UCBerkeley posting full lectures on yTube (10pg via Cnet)
Insane pixel-art trick using HTML tables (yTube-2min via lorbus)
Jukepick JoseGonzales in concert (NPR w/wma-Real)
WholeFoods = 'terribly benign kind of evil' (SF-CD)
IMF spreads AIDS in Africa (cPunch)
$300 robot-boy w/facial expressions (blog w/yTube-90sec)
SyHersh blames 'Jewish money' for Iran warbeat (mWeiss) [source]
jStewart to cMatthews: "I'm trashing your PHILOSOPHY OF LIFE" (yTube-7min via proJo)
DePalma defends his Iraq doc (vVoice)
rScheer's Blackwater critique (Nation-short)
New Heart Device Allows Cheney To Experience Love (Onion)
Vdisappointing Colbert/Mearsheimer (Flash-5min)
'Extreme' Jungian personality archetypes (1pg via eAard)
MillaJ at 193 lbs (pregnant) (pic via Yeeah)
2ndLife stickiness = 12 or 329 mins/month (nwNotes)
#7 (Two Rainbows) by Daisy DeBolt still knocks me out (wma-5min)
Mearsheimer/Walt on Colbert tonight (site)
Weird retro expressionist vid from cDargel (4min-QT)
Lovely ballad from Missy Higgins (yTube-4min)
Protein-fold comparison refines evolutionary tree (sRef-varcane)
Roomba owners tolerant of flaws (AP-yHoo via Engdgt)
1% of all wildebeests accidentally drowned (NatGeo)
More beauties from Zsaj (flickr)
Best entries in Nasa-slogan contest (Wired-blog)
Previews of all tunes on Joni's 'Shine' (Flash-?20min)
ABC-gum + makeup = halloween 'scars' (Flash-60sec via Make)
Awesome SimpsonsGame EverQuest-parody (Flash-60sec)
Subtly electrifying dLynch Gucci ad (yTube-60sec via iWatch)
Trompe l'oeil 'wireframe' car (1pg-pix via iSthtcs)
The Journal of Actual Imaginary Friends (LJB-toon)
3 tunes from new Joni (NPR w/wma/Real)
Melodic mideast rap from Ian Brown (yTube-4min via ant)
An illustrated 1899 'alphabet of celebrities' (pGut-1pg-phat)
US inflation stats omit food and energy (Slate via iGreed)
50 best movie dystopias (1pg-loong via Fim)
Sweetpotato burritos (recipe via eAard)
New Hersh on Iran (NYer-long)
2007: Sep1 Aug2 Aug1 July June May April2 April March Feb