03 August 2007

August 2007 links

5Mb mpg of Jp robot dancing (NatGeo)
Hal Willner on iMeem (incl pirates album) (Flash-jukebox)
'IBGYBG' = irresponsible wink-agreement (dTongue)
A classic MichaelHurley track (sGram-mp3)
Nice aerial photo (winter trees)
Mac-n-cheese for engineers (recipe w/pix)
50 wBu quotes about religion (1pg via Steve)
Assorted gossip re 'Escape from NY' remake (Cinem w/links)
How Are We Paying Off Our Subprime Mortgages (Onion-image)
Facts about press freedom under HugoChavez (Znet-Weisbrot-short)
Why replacing earbud jack is too hard (1pg via Make)
Great 1-liners today (oDinny-home)
SanJose gets encrypted Pynchon via Joyce? (sjMerc-arcane)
NyT economics as slanted as rightwing talkers (dBaker-short)
Amazing gallery of celebs as kids (1pg-don't-miss via digg)
FTC leaks WholeFoods trade secrets (AP-yHoo-arcane via iGreed)
'wireline' = not wireless, eg landline (dTongue)
Vlo-res cartoons illustrating HTTP error messages (flickr-17pg via trnchrmn)
A fave tune from Joni's 'Mingus' (iMeem-4min)
Found 'poetry' in int'l mail regs (Poems.com)
Progress toward making microbes generate gasoline (MIT via /.)
the lighter shade of wallpaper / where someone's picture used to hang (vDaily-arcane)
Iran-quotes reveal Iraq/Afghan puppetude (cPunch-Leupp)
Simple 'idea generator' (Flash via mbox)
Vdead housefly (flickr)
rGervais, sMerchant, bGeldorf, Bono et al self-lampoon re Africa (yTube-9min via eZ)
Time to ban fossil-fuel-guzzler ads (Monbiot)
aSullivan's obit for TurdBlossom (short via Harpers)
Live-action 2ndLife-bashing (yTube-60sec via tBray)
Moderately funny joke (Esquire-short)
HarpersIndex-style Iraq stats (Znet-Tom)
Peanuts and Dilbert do the Palestinian Question (Xym w/links)
Japanese softcore anime figurines (1pg-Jp-vphat via Ktku)
Sneak peek at GoogleHealth (Blgscpd w/screenshots)
Yet another caffeine database (table via digg)
A buncha nostalgic musical faves (iMeem-jukebox)
Several tunes from VanDykeParks' UncleRemus musical 'Jump' (iMeem) [fan]
No word for 'fetch' (NYer-toon-don't-miss)
Marta Sebestyen with Muzsikas (iMeem-3min) [fan]
Good pic of Shuttle gouge (Cnet 1of7)
Pretty triphop vid by Shine (ant-5min)
Weird early handheld computer games (1pg w/pix via Ntendo)
JerryGarcia gossip (intvu via jGerm)
Update on Iraq oil scam (Znet-short)
Various critics briefly ponder Bergman/Antonioni (CHE w/links)
This pic cracks me up (flickr-melovescookies)
Step out and meet Jesus! (oDvrwhr)
Finance is stranger than modelers can know (iGreed-arcane)
New US laureate's gut-puncher (NYer-short)
Delicious page of color (flickr-Zsaj)
Profane Hillary-bashing toon (Harpers-MrFish)
RobotWisdom Jukebox resumed as iMeem playlist (iMeem-Flash)
ISB's "First Girl I Loved" (iMeem-5min-lofi)
Lots of Prefuse73 trance/glitch tunes (iMeem-lofi)
FdWaal replies to NYer bonobo hitpiece (shortish via eAard)
Bigname covers from Dylan biopic soundtrack (Playlist via Vh1)
US military success in Iraq = political failure (aAard)
I added title-balloons to RWx-intro links (RWx-hover)
Short update on English-language alJazeerah network (aJfriends-arcane)
Compilation reel of runway models stumbling (yTube-3min-friv)
Did that dude just call us croutons? (oDinny)
Market meltdown continuing (yHoo-live-graphs)
Bjork using wild multitouch synth (Wired w/2yTubes via Vh1)
Dogbert running for president (vvsilly)
More AmyWinehouse gossip (UkSun via Fem1st)
Blistering Onion lampoon of min-wage hike (Onion)
Best-lovestories poll omits IrisM (UkG-top20)
Original 1907 illustrated Uncle Remus (pGut-1pg)
1st rave for new Joni, w/profile (IeInd)
GgNews hosts my 'newsmaker' comment (30days?)
Original RingLardner script for MASH (200k txt via Drews)
Colbert-dissing-wBu 2006 alltime fave (3yTubes-30min)
Man Texting While Driving Hits Man Texting While Walking (Onion-tsia)
New LRB incl mWood on 'Simpsons' (toc)
'witness mark' = [kilroy wuz heer?] (dTongue-arcane)
AmyWinehouse ('Rehab') gossip (UkSun w/pix via wSmirch)
Gizmo + blender + glitchtrack = art (yTube-3or4min via antville)
Make a speaker from a plastic cup (1pg via Make)
Useful video backgrounder on CarparkNorth video (Flash)
Alt version of my alltimefave vid by Carpark North (yTube-3min)
Daft Punk "Around the World" (yTube-4min)
i'm assembling a 'web canon' page of my alltime fave links
Lo-tech hi-artvid (girl, lake) (yTube-3min ?via edV)
NYC kids grow up quick (oDinny-1liners)
Luxurious decay (flickr-Zsaj)
Current inversion may prove deadliest US weather event (jMast w/maps)
Space 'sounds' slowed down 2 trillion times (Oz-mp3s via U2day)
'catmill' = RubeGoldberg dogfighting trainer (dTongue-no-pic)
NYers on meat (oDinny-1liners)
50 good mostly-free indie games (5pg w/links via sValues)
8 yTubes of racecar mega-crashes (Vh1-1pg)
Simple reel for earbud cables (1pg w/pix via Make)
Pillows w/boobs for anime fans (Jp-vfriv via Ktku)
Chinese dolphins officially extinct (UkG via /.)
Witty 2D relationships graph (sGirls via Fim)
GgNews hosts newsmakers' story-feedback (Blgscpd)
China leveraging US econ jitters? (UkTel-aep via iGreed)
'go POCO' = pursue other career opportunities (dTongue)
NYC parenting tips (oDinny-1liners)
JeremyBlake (MrWit/tDunc)'s lovely video for Beck (yTube-6min)
2007 best-video nominees (MTV-1pg-smallish)
Vpoetic 2006 tDunc interview (LAist)
tDunc as NormaJean, c1999 (pic)
30sec state-of-the-art flowing-liquids sim (wmv-phat via SciDaily)
Gorgeous Brazilian poverty (flickr-1000pix)
NyT to free Time$$elect (E&P)
Troubled successor to Jesus Seminar (ntGate-short)
Innovative FindForward searchengine (help via Blgscpd)
More tDunc gossip (LAist via digg)
WallSt hopes taxpayers will bail out mortgage crisis (dBaker-short)
10 sq miles of Ancient Rome rebuilt in 3D (NatGeo w/pix, links)
84 sq ft is all she needs (OR-local w/video via kasei)
Vcharming Scrabble musicvideo (yTube-4min)
Dance pose (flickr)
8 dLynch soundtrack mp3s (blog via Vh1)
Bizarre Martian landscape (AstroPic-Sunday)
(Where's that music from!?!) (fMotion-CoasterRider)
Lovely cartoon visualises Beaufort wind scale (hToons via ET)
Arcane dLynch skinny from 'Waking Life' star (wWiggins)
27 best 'art games' (1pg w/pix, links via Ktku)
Slooowpaced spycam-artfilm of kids zoning out at 'Dumbo' (yTube-8min via cMonk) [more]
Little boy: I have the power of microbes! [Evil laugh.] (oDvrwhr-tsia)
Rainbow logic on the Worldtree (RWx-short-arcane)
Refining climate models doesn't reduce chaos-factor (SciNews)
Security cam caught bridge collapse (CNN-45sec)
Quick rundown of WoodyAllen's homages to Bergman (fBabble via nyMag)
I can't get enough of that Sia video (yTube-3min-again)
PHB discovers OSS (Dilbert)
Crafts you can make from plastic grocery bags (1pg-phat w/links via Make)
Eyepopping 'SimCity Societies' preview (Flash-2min)
Celeb mini-biographies by David Thomson (UkG-20pg)
Horrible info-design graphing networks' coverage of candidates (NyT-gif via digg)
Funny day for funnies (cCrmdgn)
Horrible legal decision on Iraq mercenaries (Harper's)
Various Deities Still Sorting Through Victims Of Tragic Queens Bus Accident (Onion)
"The moment we saw that there was someone named Hawkwind, we knew we'd be there for a while," said the Sikh god, Waheguru
New Jimmy Buffett Song 'Cold Weather and Personal Responsibility' Disappoints Long-Time Fans (Onion-audio-tsia)
ED209 (rogue from 'RoboCop') deployed in Iraq (Wired w/yTube-10min)
Vbloody RoboCop clip (yTube-3min)
Macabre 'Kindergarten RoboCop' mashup (yTube-2min)
(What ever happened to the V-chip?) (GgNewsArchiveTimeline-not-much)
The Necessary (Google) Web2.0 Consolidation (RWx-longish)
If prison is the new black... (NyMag-vfriv)
Yet another del.icio.us RWx-version experiment (meh)
NPR faces and bios (toc)
1913 'Goody-Naughty Book' w/nice pix (pGut-1pg)
Big names on Joni tribute album (bBoard)
VanSant filming Kesey's 60s-roadtrip movie (Variety via digg)
Exciting career opps in abstinence training (Nation-bEhrenreich)
What Rupert Murdoch owns (Wiki-table-long via digg)
US map showing nuclear power plants (Fortune-Flash)
What a Boy Lies Awake Wondering (vDaily)
Odessa girl (flickr)
Lefty gossip about 'Zabriskie Point' (cPunch-arcane)
Yummy rocks (flickr-Zsaj)
Dogbert's win-win (Dilbert)
Falling man? (flickr)
Google 3D app adds free physics module (15-yTubes via Make)
MemeWatch: Norm Chomsky (GgW-600hits)
Ten minutes headway (oDoffice)
Four 2min previews of brandnew MST3K (1pg via Steve)
Brainstorming celebs-related-in-2nd-degree, for resemblance (iSteve-thread)
Just let me be your Tonto (oDvrwhr)
My eulogy for Theresa (RWx)

2007: July June May April2 April March Feb