My iMeem playlists (register with iMeem to hear all tracks in full):
31 August 2008
28 August 2008
Clay Shirky videos/audios/transcripts
Shirky has a miraculous ability to articulate Net truisms in scientifically credible language. We all need to study this trick till we can do it too.
[resemblance to Tom Hanks]
interview: [17min, German subtitles] [17min, HCE]
03Mar: CeBit intvu [Flash-11min] [Flash-10min] [yT-3min]
24Feb: State of Play intvu [yT-5min]
16Feb: AOL intvu [Flash-16min]
15Feb: ukG intvu [text only]
10Feb: Unicef intvu [yT-2min] [Flash]
09Feb: intvu [10min-mp4] [Flash]
04Feb: ICA London [summary] [summary] [yT-7min] [yT-9min] [yT-7min]
03Feb: London LSE [90min-vid] [90min-mp3] [2vids-5min] [yT-4min] [summary] [summary]
03Feb: London intvu [yT-6min] [yT-6min more]
27Jan: Euan Semple intvu [60min-mp3]
24Jan: Smithsonian 2.0 [yT-40min]
12Jan: PlanetMoney on [mp3-18min] (starts at 11:00)
08Jan: NPR Talk of the Nation [Flash-18min]
19Dec: CJR intvu [transcript1] [part2]
02Dec: OpenInfo2008 [summary-2pg] [summary] [summary] [3min-yT] [7min-Flash]
10Nov: Richard Wallis intvu [mp3-30min]
24Oct: PopTech [Flash-25min] [summary]
22Oct: Health 2.0 [summary] [Flash-20min]
20Oct: economics of organizations (Russ Roberts intvu) [65min-mp3]
?17Oct: intvu w/RichardWallis [50min-mp3]
03Oct? intvu [yTube-7min] [pt2-7min]
01Oct: AOP London [Flash] [yTube-8min] [yTube-4min] [summary]
30Sep: London intvu [GgV-35min] [Flash-35min] [yTube-10min] [7min] [4min] [5min] [GgV-4min] [GgV-4min] [GgV-6min]
25Sep: interview [yTube-7min] others: [7min] [5min] [60sec]
24Sep: PICNIC [yTube-10min] [GgV-17min] [GgV-11min] [Vimeo-44min] Leadbeater conversation [Vimeo-33min]
?23Sep: IAB Mixx intvu [yTube-9min] [yTube-4min]
18Sept: [4min]
18Sept: (Web2.0 Expo NYC) It's Not Information Overload. It's Filter Failure. [24min]
17Sept: The Role of Inconvenience in Designing Social Systems [yTube-23min]
10Sept: Sky News [3min-flash]
05Sept: Edinburgh [flash-32min] [5part]
23Aug: Futureview [summary] [4min on zFrank] [3min intvu]
22Aug: WNYC-- Twitter [6min-mp3, transcript]
?Aug: Berkman [75sec]
31Jul: HCE-activism [37min-mp3]
24Jul: UsNow: Future Transformations [yT-5min]
14Jul: Demos [64min-mp3]
?11Jul: interview w/o video [25min]
06Jul: (Aspen) Obama and social software [9min] [7min-q&a]
student loan scam [10min]
Facebook [9min]
?03Jul: Personal Democracy Forum [QT]
01Jul: Penguin Podcast [17min-mp3]
26Jun: interview [6min]
23Jun: Personal Democracy Forum (Politics As If Everybody Can Participate?) [5min] [3min] [2min-multiformat]
19Jun: EEL- multiple guests [50min-mp3]
17Jun: Supernova [2min-Flash] [6min]
12Jun: Virtual Communities and Real Diversity w/Phil Wood [2hr-mp3]
07Jun: NPR [mp3]
?03Jun: HCE [6min intvu]
29May: NPR [mp3]
22May: The Media Report [transcript]
May: HCE-World Bank [33min] [yTube]
12May: Nora Young intvu [30min-mp3]
01May: The New Normal (co-author) [Az]
23Apr: Web 2.0 Expo: keynote [text] [?17min] [17min handheld] [same?] [7min handheld part1] [9min part2]
[2min roundtable] [17min intvu] cHeuer
16Apr: wWilkinson/Cato interview [60min] (try the 40%-faster mode!) uneven boring/fascinating
?16Apr: Futures of the Internet (multiple speakers) [text summary] [Flash-90min] [multiformat-90min] (vslow downloads) gin/sitcoms, incl cS comments on OLPC
03Apr: Colbert Report [6min] (disappointing)
?27Mar: Penguin Podcast [mp3]
26Mar: HCE-- Moira Gunn [30min-mp3]
25Mar: WNYC w/call-in q&a [mp3-30min] (excellent) [3min intvu]
25Mar: [mp3-30min]
19Mar: HCE-- BusinessWeek [mp3]
18Mar: HCE-- RSA [60min-mp3]
18Mar: [3min handheld] ('invest in connectors') [6min] (pro-anorexia community)
17Mar: The Power of Networks w/bEno [45min-mp3] [3 video snippets]
11Mar: Google-HCE: [48min] (mostly same as Berkman below, 15min q&a)
?06Mar: New America Foundation: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations [text summary] [yTube-75min] [mp3] (30min abbrev of Berkman talk below, followed by another speaker, then q&a)
??Mar: [intvu transcript]
28Feb: Berkman-HCE [yTube-42min] [Flash-42min w/transcript] [multiformat: QT, mp3] HDR, Buffy, anime, flashmobs
28Feb: Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations [Az] [web footnotes]
Feb: RSA [20min-vid]
07Feb: 1st Twitter
22Jan: DLD [9min-shakycam]
05Nov: Switched-privacy [4min-Switched] [4min-yTube] [?26min-AOL]
24Jun: research standards [mp3]
21Jun: Supernova: Love, Internet Style (community support eg for perl) [summary] [yTube-9min] [QT-9min] with other speakers, q&a: [60min mp3] [summary]
30Mar: Perspectives on Free and Open Source Software (co-author) [Az]
Feb: Open House Project (Google Group) [1st of 50 posts]
05Jan: Serious Games [4-part] [7min] (AntiWarGame vs Killer) [9min] (prisoner's dilemma) [7min] (Monopoly rules) [14min] (q&a)
03Jan: Edge-Optimism [52min-mp3]
03Apr: O'Reilly-- moderation strategies [30min-mp3]
?08Feb: Internet Caucus State of the Net Conference-- Everyone can be a publisher [mp3-60min]
14Nov: Making Digital Durable: What Time Does to Categories [84min-GgV] [audio]
Sept/Oct: Social Facts, Thinking about networks (classes) [lo-res mp3s]
08Jul: wikis [transcript] [8min-mp3]
07Jul: Institutions vs. collaboration [text] [yTube-21min] [TED-21min]
13Jun: Wikipedia experiment [1st and only?]
16Mar: Folksonomy (w/others) [35min-mp3]
15Mar: Ontology is Overrated [essay] [44min-mp3]
15Mar: Phone as Platform [vfasttalking 19min-mp3 w/annoying ads]
?11Nov: 1st uploads to flickr
11Feb: daughter [cite]
Dec: 1st
08May: Planning for Web Services: Obstacles and Opportunities [Az]
?24Apr: eTech keynote [summary] [transcript]
07Dec: PrisonPlanet-DNA fingerprinting [11min-mp3]
26Aug: Human Generosity-- Great Rewiring [90min-asx] [related text interview]
05Apr: DrDobbs-P2P [15min-mp3] [info]
Oct: P2P Networking Overview (co-author) [Az]
?1st child [eg]
marries Anne Pryor? [pFinder]
1999-2001: investment firm 'Accelerator Group'
Dec: [Wayback]
Jan: Hunter College Professor of New Media [cite]
Jul: comp.lang.perl [1st of 250 posts]
Mar: Voices from the Net [Az]
May: alt.folklore urban [1st of 400 posts]
15Jan: The Internet by E-Mail [Az]
Aug: alt.culture.usenet/internet [1st of 100 posts]
discovers Usenet [1000 posts]
1993: joins Panix, trained by online Unix enthusiasts [cite-yTube]
early 90s: NYC lowpoint [fun intvu]
1980s-90s: theater companies 'Hard Place Theater', Wooster Group
1986: BA in fine art from Yale (cum laude) [cite]
highschool theater [gossip]
grew up in Columbia, MO? [Twitter]
1964: ?04March: born William C Shirky (parents James & Martha?) [pFinder] [Wiki] [tweet]
[resemblance to Tom Hanks]
interview: [17min, German subtitles] [17min, HCE]
03Mar: CeBit intvu [Flash-11min] [Flash-10min] [yT-3min]
24Feb: State of Play intvu [yT-5min]
16Feb: AOL intvu [Flash-16min]
15Feb: ukG intvu [text only]
10Feb: Unicef intvu [yT-2min] [Flash]
09Feb: intvu [10min-mp4] [Flash]
04Feb: ICA London [summary] [summary] [yT-7min] [yT-9min] [yT-7min]
03Feb: London LSE [90min-vid] [90min-mp3] [2vids-5min] [yT-4min] [summary] [summary]
03Feb: London intvu [yT-6min] [yT-6min more]
27Jan: Euan Semple intvu [60min-mp3]
24Jan: Smithsonian 2.0 [yT-40min]
12Jan: PlanetMoney on [mp3-18min] (starts at 11:00)
08Jan: NPR Talk of the Nation [Flash-18min]
19Dec: CJR intvu [transcript1] [part2]
02Dec: OpenInfo2008 [summary-2pg] [summary] [summary] [3min-yT] [7min-Flash]
10Nov: Richard Wallis intvu [mp3-30min]
24Oct: PopTech [Flash-25min] [summary]
22Oct: Health 2.0 [summary] [Flash-20min]
20Oct: economics of organizations (Russ Roberts intvu) [65min-mp3]
?17Oct: intvu w/RichardWallis [50min-mp3]
03Oct? intvu [yTube-7min] [pt2-7min]
01Oct: AOP London [Flash] [yTube-8min] [yTube-4min] [summary]
30Sep: London intvu [GgV-35min] [Flash-35min] [yTube-10min] [7min] [4min] [5min] [GgV-4min] [GgV-4min] [GgV-6min]
1993 trained by Unix enthusiasts, social capital, Grameem-vs-Moody's, peer-to-peer lending, more expensive but more stable, optimisation algorithms, feedback loops; email, boredom factor, Sarah Silverman's viral Obama video, echoes diaspora, solidarity goods, scarcity; brands, corporate 'personhood', DrWho, messy kitchens are more interactive, marketing biz tried too hard; collaboration in schools?, Facebook study-group story, policing, freeriders
25Sep: interview [yTube-7min] others: [7min] [5min] [60sec]
24Sep: PICNIC [yTube-10min] [GgV-17min] [GgV-11min] [Vimeo-44min] Leadbeater conversation [Vimeo-33min]
?23Sep: IAB Mixx intvu [yTube-9min] [yTube-4min]
18Sept: [4min]
18Sept: (Web2.0 Expo NYC) It's Not Information Overload. It's Filter Failure. [24min]
17Sept: The Role of Inconvenience in Designing Social Systems [yTube-23min]
'group action just got easier', INconvenience, basketball no fun w/many balls (abundance), how Facebook 'friends' learn of end of engagement, complex privacy settings, Greta Garbo, inconvenience enabled past privacy, future challenge is engineering helpful inefficiencies, Friendster ages-plus-50, searchengine for 14yo girls?, Facebook college chem study group, school saw it as publishing, 'which metaphor?' is wrong question, colleges have 'inside' and 'outside' messages kept separate by inconvenience... until Facebook-etc, free-rider problem, Net is tolerant, colleges can't be tolerant, balancing individual and group effort via designed inefficiencies, Xerox laser printer shipped w/o sourcecode, rms inspired to start FSF/GPL, inefficiency as flow control, Lego modders, homeschoolers, 'stop energy', there is no gpl for group action, incorporation as inconvenience, Community Interest Company, virtual corporation, MeetUp Alliance, transition towns
10Sept: Sky News [3min-flash]
05Sept: Edinburgh [flash-32min] [5part]
post-Gutenberg economics, publish-then-filter, scribal-production global-distribution, 'not enough D in the HDTV'?, tradeoff of shareability vs quality, richness of midrange, trillion hours of ?tv, pro/am revolution, Viacom-Google court case, Colbert/jStewart 'made' by yTube, legal-vs-production depts, 'engaging an audience is the imperative', optimist but 'recovered cyber-utopian', 2002 pro-anorexia kids, downside: can't prevent anymore (must react instead-- vigilance), easy != good, tension-of-1688 [GloriousRevolution], 'surprising value' in letting people do their own thing, 'epidemiological' problem, some chatrooms promoted AIDS, 'inversions' coming because the powerful won't take the necessary risks, selling ads (same old model?), Yahoo probably gone by 2009, no stability yet, vcheap rough cuts fund final cuts, A&R model for music, SouljahBoy, 'world of special cases', not A-to-B but A-to-chaos, public bet: 50yrs of chaos, outsiders, different content for different devices, dynamic-range vs one-size-fits-all, NyT should offer api, let users repurpose content, poor will always be with us, communication is very basic need, hcEverybody to a 1st approx, Asterisk platform uses voice eg for illiterate farmers, repurposing infrastructure, ramps-for-disabled a blessing for moms w/strollers
23Aug: Futureview [summary] [4min on zFrank] [3min intvu]
22Aug: WNYC-- Twitter [6min-mp3, transcript]
?Aug: Berkman [75sec]
31Jul: HCE-activism [37min-mp3]
24Jul: UsNow: Future Transformations [yT-5min]
14Jul: Demos [64min-mp3]
?11Jul: interview w/o video [25min]
06Jul: (Aspen) Obama and social software [9min] [7min-q&a]
student loan scam [10min]
Facebook [9min]
?03Jul: Personal Democracy Forum [QT]
01Jul: Penguin Podcast [17min-mp3]
26Jun: interview [6min]
23Jun: Personal Democracy Forum (Politics As If Everybody Can Participate?) [5min] [3min] [2min-multiformat]
19Jun: EEL- multiple guests [50min-mp3]
17Jun: Supernova [2min-Flash] [6min]
12Jun: Virtual Communities and Real Diversity w/Phil Wood [2hr-mp3]
07Jun: NPR [mp3]
?03Jun: HCE [6min intvu]
29May: NPR [mp3]
22May: The Media Report [transcript]
May: HCE-World Bank [33min] [yTube]
12May: Nora Young intvu [30min-mp3]
01May: The New Normal (co-author) [Az]
23Apr: Web 2.0 Expo: keynote [text] [?17min] [17min handheld] [same?] [7min handheld part1] [9min part2]
[2min roundtable] [17min intvu] cHeuer
16Apr: wWilkinson/Cato interview [60min] (try the 40%-faster mode!) uneven boring/fascinating
?16Apr: Futures of the Internet (multiple speakers) [text summary] [Flash-90min] [multiformat-90min] (vslow downloads) gin/sitcoms, incl cS comments on OLPC
03Apr: Colbert Report [6min] (disappointing)
?27Mar: Penguin Podcast [mp3]
26Mar: HCE-- Moira Gunn [30min-mp3]
25Mar: WNYC w/call-in q&a [mp3-30min] (excellent) [3min intvu]
25Mar: [mp3-30min]
19Mar: HCE-- BusinessWeek [mp3]
18Mar: HCE-- RSA [60min-mp3]
18Mar: [3min handheld] ('invest in connectors') [6min] (pro-anorexia community)
17Mar: The Power of Networks w/bEno [45min-mp3] [3 video snippets]
11Mar: Google-HCE: [48min] (mostly same as Berkman below, 15min q&a)
?06Mar: New America Foundation: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations [text summary] [yTube-75min] [mp3] (30min abbrev of Berkman talk below, followed by another speaker, then q&a)
??Mar: [intvu transcript]
28Feb: Berkman-HCE [yTube-42min] [Flash-42min w/transcript] [multiformat: QT, mp3] HDR, Buffy, anime, flashmobs
28Feb: Here Comes Everybody: The Power of Organizing Without Organizations [Az] [web footnotes]
Feb: RSA [20min-vid]
07Feb: 1st Twitter
22Jan: DLD [9min-shakycam]
05Nov: Switched-privacy [4min-Switched] [4min-yTube] [?26min-AOL]
24Jun: research standards [mp3]
21Jun: Supernova: Love, Internet Style (community support eg for perl) [summary] [yTube-9min] [QT-9min] with other speakers, q&a: [60min mp3] [summary]
30Mar: Perspectives on Free and Open Source Software (co-author) [Az]
Feb: Open House Project (Google Group) [1st of 50 posts]
05Jan: Serious Games [4-part] [7min] (AntiWarGame vs Killer) [9min] (prisoner's dilemma) [7min] (Monopoly rules) [14min] (q&a)
03Jan: Edge-Optimism [52min-mp3]
03Apr: O'Reilly-- moderation strategies [30min-mp3]
?08Feb: Internet Caucus State of the Net Conference-- Everyone can be a publisher [mp3-60min]
14Nov: Making Digital Durable: What Time Does to Categories [84min-GgV] [audio]
analog archiving methods bad fit for digital, not preservation but 'lowering risk', lost electronic manuscript vs preserved Usenet postings, table of media lifetimes (max 100yrs), 'shearing layers', periodically 'refresh the media', 0s and 1s vs 'essence', media players = complex dependencies, app/OS/chip, imagine US constitution done on Apple][, preserve machine, power-cord problem, paper-printouts the least problematic, BBC Micro edition of Domesday Book lost within 10yrs, 'cheap flexible systems w/many participants tend to be preserved', changing pc or ISP implies risk, expensive brittle systems w/few participants
classification is for finding things, 1k-10k things in average kitchen, most unlabelled unless they're hard to inspect, libraries have many similar objects, need categories, definite niche for every new item, flaws of Dewey and LoC, necessarily reflect bias of creators, Seattle library embeds Dewey's errors in concrete,
Sept/Oct: Social Facts, Thinking about networks (classes) [lo-res mp3s]
08Jul: wikis [transcript] [8min-mp3]
instant encyclopedia articles, what wikis are, how Wikipedia began, experts and amateurs, 'social antibodies' to bad info, 2-min vandalism, active monitoring, neutral pov, talk pages, edit wars, 'new products win because they do things the old products can't do', reduces need for repetitive news
07Jul: Institutions vs. collaboration [text] [yTube-21min] [TED-21min]
coordination costs, traditionally founding an (expensive) institution, recently designing self-organising infrastructure, rollerskating-mermaid example, flickr, tagging, replaces planning with coordination, cf mobile phones: I'll call you when I get there, Iraq photos, average pix-per-user is meaningless, power-law distribution, long tail, 80/20-rule, 80% segment is no-carrot-no-stick segment, institutions favor manageable 20%, Psycho Milt, institutional denial/anger/bargaining, how do you capture the value in the long tail?, one-off contributions are unreachable by MS-like institutions, MeetUp, 'stay-at-home moms', Judith Miller, shield law, rise of weblogging, 'are bloggers journalists?' is the wrong question, pro-anorexia groups, support is value-neutral
13Jun: Wikipedia experiment [1st and only?]
16Mar: Folksonomy (w/others) [35min-mp3]
Wikipedia/Flickr/, Wikipedia categories rationalised quickly, Flickr tags not necessarily categories, Delicious started w/flat textfile, descriptions of urls following '#' sign, tag 'to read' not a category; individuals 'vs' goal of high-quality encyclopedia, indiv-vs-group irrelevant on flickr, group assisted by code modifications, circle-in-square photo meme, glowing-thing meme, conversations held via delicious comments?
q&a: Technorati merging tagsets, most delicious tags are single-use, tagging-for-self vs tagging-for-others, impedance mismatch, pull-and-reuse model; feedback loops for new users, quick feedback on Wikip, none on flickr, global effectiveness is happy accident, delicious feedback by tagging interface (multilevel); semantic web taxonomies, top-down vs bottom-up, intrinsic vs extrinsic motivations, natural middle-ground between general and specific; OpenSearch; RDF: instance-hasTag-tag; metadata about tags?, tags on delicious are themselves taggable urls, bundles
15Mar: Ontology is Overrated [essay] [44min-mp3]
we're using categorisation wrong, 'ontology' has many meanings (ironically), philosophical, AI/KR, essence/is-ness, 'ontological nirvana' is wrong goal, parable of travel agents, Web distributes interface efficiently, Travelocity, DreamCatcher, Java as pixie dust, old categorisation copied w/o conscious critique; periodic table vclose to essence, flaws in library classification schemes, optimised for # of books, linear seektime on shelves, human memory limited to a few hundred book locations, books (not ideas) have to be in only one place, confusion of container (book) for thing contained (ideas), "there is no shelf", Yahoo hierarchy 'adds the shelf back', simlinks/aliases/shortcuts, Yahoo rule: max 3 simlinks, missed possibility of eliminating hierarchy altogether, Yahoo-vs-Google :: browse-vs-search, is categorisation a god idea? (cleaving nature at the joints), Google found dMoz not needed/used, DSM for mental illness, categorisation implies authority, 'voodoo categorisation' (changing model changes world?), signal-loss, enforced thesaurus of tags, beware canonical examples (they're usually outliers), queer-politics vs homosexual-agenda, predicting the future is hard, cities are real, countries are social fictions, LoC lacks staff to reclassify when borders change, merging ontologies, ISBN#'s merge fine, probabilistic overlap data, crisp-vs-organic categorisations,, posts-vs-tags graph, 'to read' tag no more context-dependent than 'east germany', shelf/hinge(?), smear-y tags, all-or-nothing vs probabilistic categories, user/time are core attributes, nobody ever uses 'queer' as toplevel category, graph changes over time, signal loss happens when categories are merged, filtering is post-hoc, the editor is everybody, publish then filter, one-off categories are no problem, semantics are in the user (not in the system), world-makes-sense vs we-make-sense-of-world
15Mar: Phone as Platform [vfasttalking 19min-mp3 w/annoying ads]
engineers kicked out of tribe for caring about human factors, center for the study of the recently possible, mobile phones, PacManhattan (Pacman played on NYC streetgrid), 'big games', strategic games at athletic scale, GPS, 1-meter accuracy inadequate in cities, 2-way voice; ConQwest, phonecams, semacode 2-D barcode, server; Dodgeball, Friendster as dollhouse, 3 things everyone carries: ?, key, phone; introduces people by proximity, breakup problem, Mobjects, Heartbeat, 'presence' w/o messaging, all phones support talk, many now have cams, much fewer have more advanced functions, vlow hackability, carrier exclusivity problem, Flickr, 24+48, Bickr; mesh is coming
?11Nov: 1st uploads to flickr
11Feb: daughter [cite]
Dec: 1st
08May: Planning for Web Services: Obstacles and Opportunities [Az]
?24Apr: eTech keynote [summary] [transcript]
07Dec: PrisonPlanet-DNA fingerprinting [11min-mp3]
26Aug: Human Generosity-- Great Rewiring [90min-asx] [related text interview]
peer-to-peer, "architecture of generosity", ArpaNet, IP#s were 'holy', domain names (DNS), Mac w/gui, no overlap of Net and gui for 10yrs, WWW's 'img' tag, 1994: 2ndclass pc's hung off Net's edge via ISP, 1994-99 'great wiring', IPv6?, ICQ = 'handshake machine', reverses address-space, Napster, $1k pc's collaborate powerfully, p2p vs client/server architecture, Gnutella, supernodes, songs-per-user doubled = abundance, dTrump/mTeresa selfish/selfless, unselfish-gene communities, viruses, Napster moves selfish functions to central server, mp3-player lazy default, 'lazy/greedy threshold', "'altruistic' is latin for 'bad math'", Napster was 'find' network for pop, not 'search' network for new artists, tragedy of the commons? (no way), digital data is not like sheep-eating-grass, download-then-disconnect = 'spiteful' strategy, generosity-enhancing architecture, no general architectures of generosity, Gnutella all-edge no-center (cf lace), search-horizon = 7 hops, freeloading problem, anti-freeloader threshold, SETI@Home, needle-in-handful-of-hay, inside-out client/server, umbrellas-vs-cabs :: cpu cycles vs harddrive space, Groove (25 users), intranet-plus-firewall frustrates collaboration w/outsiders, email w/cc-and-attachments
part1 q&a: software resembles creators-group, p2p standards, interoperability; p2p security is really about job security of net admins, RAID, 5-9 network; most intellectual property intended for small audiences, RIAA wants to survive, music = object-vs-service; user-to-user vs user-to-world vs group-formation protocols, art culture; "anything that can be conceptualised can have an address"; 'theft' of ip seems comparatively harmless
part 2: open source, recipe:cake, reverse-engineering, MS only sells cake, prohibits recipe-sharing, 30 licenses, GPL = viral, Apache license, Linux kernel + distribution(s), libertarian, cabal = central planning, Transmeta, video features, bagel model, html view-source vs javascript, most changes diminish original; free software vs open source, rms vs Eric Raymond, cathedral/bazaar; software quality
05Apr: DrDobbs-P2P [15min-mp3] [info]
'p2p' = label not definition, Napster/SETI@Home/ICQ, aggregates resources at edges of net, tolerates wobbly connections, non-DNS, dynamic IP addresses, human-readable, private lookup to public database, Sun?, interoperability, create protocols, don't adopt standards (yet), pure decentralisation has problems, gateways create unified virtual network, 'big tent' definition of p2p, applications not platforms, usability, cS declines to predict which will succeed, IRC?, cS: "I am high in the stack", describing developments from user pov, Intel's disastrous standards-group hijacked, eg use XRNS/ SHA hash, message passing, 850 conference attendees (300 expected), all developers
Oct: P2P Networking Overview (co-author) [Az]
?1st child [eg]
marries Anne Pryor? [pFinder]
1999-2001: investment firm 'Accelerator Group'
Dec: [Wayback]
Jan: Hunter College Professor of New Media [cite]
Jul: comp.lang.perl [1st of 250 posts]
Mar: Voices from the Net [Az]
May: alt.folklore urban [1st of 400 posts]
15Jan: The Internet by E-Mail [Az]
Aug: alt.culture.usenet/internet [1st of 100 posts]
discovers Usenet [1000 posts]
1993: joins Panix, trained by online Unix enthusiasts [cite-yTube]
early 90s: NYC lowpoint [fun intvu]
1980s-90s: theater companies 'Hard Place Theater', Wooster Group
1986: BA in fine art from Yale (cum laude) [cite]
highschool theater [gossip]
grew up in Columbia, MO? [Twitter]
1964: ?04March: born William C Shirky (parents James & Martha?) [pFinder] [Wiki] [tweet]
23 August 2008
Audrey Niffenegger's Night Bookmobile
Between 31May and 27Dec 2008, the UK Guardian published an intriguing Chicago-based graphic novel, one page every Saturday. Their page layout sucked mightily, so I've shortcutted the good stuff below. The 1st set of links goes straight to the jpegs, but I'm not sure the URLs are stable. The 2nd set goes to the zoomed images, and don't work right in Google Chrome. The sucky interface is here.
author: [Wikipedia]

reworking of short story [cite]
Direct images:
Zoomed html pages:
author: [Wikipedia]

reworking of short story [cite]
Direct images:
Zoomed html pages:
16 August 2008
May-July 2008 links
rss? [1] [2]
how swiftly a man slips / out from a god (vDaily)
Sweet Pixar/Wall-E anecdote (meFi# via taint) (50)
Banksy unmasked? (UkMail via Waxy) (200)
New GgLively FAQ (Blgscpd)
This is the life (Sinfest)
Everyone should (link)blog (RWx)
my spark of darkness, / my own nugget of night (
Intro/overview to Google's 2ndLife-alike, Lively (Blgscpd w/pix)
Cannibal cupcake (nDee)
ObL demanded $144/barrel oil in 1998 (short via Steve)
Google's free new 2ndLife-alike (500k-download via Fim)
How dFeith got power? (mWeiss)
VulgarBoatman in the groove... (blog)
Classic wBu 2006 snafubar over Gaza (vFair-long via vBoat) (90)
WFMU launching Free Music Archive (site via vBoat)
Media blackout on wBu-warcrimes book (NYT via vBoat)
Zionism seen via MRI-scan (Atlantic-long)
Ben Stein is a moron (dBaker)
mBeard on ancient humor (NYRB-longish)
fDyson: CO2 molecules spend only 5yrs in atmosphere (NYRB-short)
Martian soil chemistry (arcane via nWatch)
that warm pub in St Andrews / We kissed in (Poems-vshort)
below the margin of the verse, the paper / is translucent with the oil (Poems)
the man's ache as he lights / the stove and the stalled / whatwhatwhat begins / to stew (Poems-short)
'Coraline' (nGaiman) movie music by TMBG? (IMDb-vshort)
SilverJews' ?tribute to tDunc/jBlake (yTube-audio-4min) [via/backstory]
Bollywood musical of ArundhatiRoy nonfiction!? (local via jDorch)
What-if: BillG behind bars? (dBaker)
Hedgefunds prep to blow still-bigger bubbles (dBaker)
Subtle oil price-fixing theory (shortish-local-arcane via dTongue)
'spiraling' = pre-introducing hard topics (dTongue)
Vshort recap of NyT zionism/bias (mWeiss)
Makin' honey (nDee)
US govt owns much of West (sMaps)
($20 diy) Snowglobe art (proJo w/links)
Crop circle encodes pi (proJo w/links)
Poignant card (pSecret)
Tim Russert was eeeeeevil (Nation)
House w/personal public news ticker (NYer/cBank)
jonStewart on Israel Lobby (Flash-5min via mWeiss)
RahmEmanuel as Zionist mole (mWeiss)
Author DanBrown on Usenet in 2000 (3 posts)
Cover story on Israeli spying in USA (AmCon-long via CSPAN)
(how could this still be unlinked on
New book on origins of neocon power (mWeiss)
Why WallSt needs more regulation (dBaker)
Offshore drilling might lower gas price 8 cents (dBaker)
'root shock' = displaced-person stress (dTongue)
No-brainer fix for financial speculation 'noise' (dBaker)
Factchecking McCain-vs-Obama as 'centrists' (pKrug-short)
New model of Milky Way (AstroPic)
'mobile mourning' = mourning changes-for-worse in living person (dTongue)
Sordid backstory of MarcRich pardon (cPunch-loong via Xym)
New GetYrWarOns (mnftiu)
Photoshop disease diagnosis (psDisasters)
Blogger zodiac? (xkcd)
Giant conceptual self-portrait 'hoax' (sMaps)
Megamart subversive (postSecret)
Hot anti-wBu editorial from jBiden (WSJ via Steve)
wBu insider defects in new book (short w/link via mWeiss)
they / have lived enough and they can go click, click (vDaily-vshort)
i am ramping up / equal and opposite / to the helplessness i feel (jSib-short)
New JackHandey (NYer-longish)
Magic colors (Zsaj)
were we not / as lovely as thunder, and damp grass, and flame? (vDaily)
he thinks of how his pillow / will smell in his bed, beside his bride (vDaily)
GgFaceImages by country (Blgscpd form)
'rewilding' = rebalancing nature using near replacements (dTongue)
SusieBright on dcMadam (nsfw via dLand)
Watch iRossellini's artflix (Sundance via cMonk)
'mis lit' = memoirs of misery (dTongue)
'alpha roll' = human overwhelms canine (dTongue)
Jaded Seismologist Can No Longer Feel Anything Under 7.0 On Richter Scale (Onion-tsia)
Visualising world movie industry (1200*1800 jpeg via sMaps)
US consumer-spending pie (Flash via iSthtcs) (600)
ChuckECheese2.0 = fiasco? (lOdor)
There's not a shopper here a day over twenty / except me and another mother (
LunarSociety group for TheresaDuncan fans (Ning-arcane)
META-headers revival? (intro)
nFinkelstein update (mWeiss)
I am trying to think / of a pick-up line beginning with war and ending with peace (vDaily)
USmap of best wind-power sites (iGreed)
'anticipointment' = overhyped news story (dTongue)
cShirky on Wikipedia-as-social-trend (longish via Waxy) (1000)
'work to rule' = no-more-no-less than required (dTongue)
2ndLife sociology-map (semi-friv)
Posthumous vNab due (UkG via cMonk)
'Genre' keyword for GgVid search (GgOS-short)
Wall outlet also spools cord (pic via lorbus)
Commas, Turning Up, Everywhere (Onion-short)
New NYRB incl fKahlo, gSoros (toc)
Govt should fund copylefted textbooks (dBaker-short)
Neocon warcrime statutes (links via vBoat)
MemeWatch: 'AI' vs 'semantic web' (GgTrends)
Monk at iMeem, chronologically (RWx-phat)
Mingus at iMeem, chronologically (RWx-phat)
Meteorologists' accuracy rated (graphs via pSang)
hWillner attends LouR/LaurieA nups (short)
CO2 visualised as black balloons (yTube-45sec)
Photoshop fine art (flickr)
17yo's editorial against WarOnTerror (Sam)
Why-I-like-my-city responses (Sam)
too / many changes of mind equal mud (vDaily)
you the salt / sucked from the tips of braids (vDaily)
When/how robots killed (Wired via Risks)
SQL malware source code (varcane via Risks)
RupertMurdoch's c1993 missteps w/China (long)
iPhone + Flash-alike = big fun? (iGreed-short)
Gas prices worldwide (table)
Dogs vs birthdays (nDee-pic)
DonDeLillo snark (Onion-pic)
Cool geology model (pic via lorbus)
Cf-ing shoddy metrics in health, biz (philG-longish)
Zionists game Wikipedia (longish via mWeiss)
'rank and yank' = eg Enron firing worst 10% each year (dTongue)
Outgrowing faddishness? (MeMo-short)
Early whole-system sims critiqued (pKrug-arcane)
Review of recent media vs jCarter (antiWar via Sam)
Mid-USA women's life expectancies declining (jpg via Sam)
"It was never about the stick" (NYer-toon)
USmap distorted to match news-coverage (sMaps)
Pre-Iraq-idiocy quotes (1pg)
'Droste effect' = infinite-regress pix (dTongue)
'lawnmower beer' = cheap beer (dTongue)
Tarot 2.0 (1pg via tOccult)
Sunlight plus oxygen / makes nitroglycerin (vDaily)
Upper 1% of incomes need offshore competition (dBaker-short)
Iraq-quagmire analysis (aAard-longish)
'Alien-abduction' lamp (pix via wLotta) (300)
177 early Dylan tunes and covers (iMeem-no-reg-req)
128-particle game-physics sandbox (yTube-2min)
120 ElvisCostello tunes and cover versions (iMeem-no-reg-req)
Sims3 insider gossip (longish)
Iraq's 'good' and 'bad' guys indistinguishable (iSteve)
Haaretz praises jCarter (shortish via mWatch)
Two short QTs from Japan's lunar orbiter (short via Steve)
Recent examples of divided Jewish loyalty (mWeiss-list)
Please promise me, she says, / that you'll lay me down for coyotes and flies (vDaily)
Gold-price ?tracking oil-price (graph via Xym)
How SuzanneVega writes (NyT)
Geek Hierarchy (gif via vBoat) (600)
New project for music nerds (iMeem-phat)
McCain's gas-tax proposal vs economic reality (dBaker-dontmiss)
IrisMurdoch's publisher offers 1st 50pg of ?all her books (Flash)
Free Strips Of Paper (jpg via Anrchia)
250 JoniMitchell tunes and covers (iMeem, NO reg req?)
Hillary's over-the-top Zionism (mJones via Xym)
Republicans exacerbate income inequality (pKrug-graph)
WallaceStevens tribute (vDaily)
New NYRB incl Rapunzel, mChabon on rPrice (toc)
Sharp critique of last week's BillMoyers (dBaker)
Aerial lumberyard (pic)
19Mar gamma-ray burst continues to surprise (newSci)
One-off Atari2600 handheld (yTube-60sec w/link via Engdgt)
Porting 8bit games to javascript (source via Ktku) (800)
Lessons-learned from failed Shakespeare vr (short via Ktku)
$40 SimCity bundle (Ktku)
mChabon's 'Spiderman2' screenplay (250pg-pdf)
6 Formerly Kickass Creatures Ruined by Evolution (2pg)
2008 casual-games winners (Jay w/links)
Live 'Barracuda' from Heart w/Fergie (Flash-3min)
?Synopsis of Dylan's radio shows (vFair w/popup via Steve)
Hole-in-one at Masters yesterday (yTube-30sec-plus)
In euros, DJIA is back to 2003 level (MSN-graph)
Anomalous complexity near root of tree-of-life (sciBlog-arcane)
Tips for waking refreshed (blog via angus) (400)
Gorgeous tree-of-life zoom-out (1pg via angus) (80)
UN official questions PNAC Sept2000 'hope' for 9/11 (nySun via wakeUp)
Soapbubble turbulence cf Jupiter turbulence (newSci w/15sec-yTube)
Ritalin helps scientists think (webMD via /.)
Moby [heart]s Britney (Superf)
Dry rave for foodstamps (shortish via Sam)
Tinkerbell's got a posse (2pg w/pix via iWatch)
Lucid bailout worstcase scenario (Nation-longish via Sam)
MS-Yahoo melodrama as silentmovie serial (iGreed-short)
Intimations of Hillary's campaign's mortality (mWeiss-list)
Iran strengthening Lebanon's defenses (Xym w/link)
85 (!?!) IncredibleStringBand tunes (iMeem-reg-req)
21 MaryCoughlan tunes (iMeem-reg-req)
Four Stewart/Gaskin tunes (iMeem-reg-req)
wWright's Spore update/crit (gsW via Ktku)
Quake3 on iPod w/tilt-control (yTube-50sec via Ktku)
jonStewart on 2ndLife (Flash-4min)
25 best-ever child stars (Flash-26pg via Cinem)
Mil-indust complex needs more wars (Cnsrtium)
jPaulson made $3B anticipating bubble popping (UkG via lf)
Baghdad paralysed by defensive walls (yTube-5min)
JimRogers on bubble/bailout (longish via lf)
cShirky on sColbert (Flash-6min via angus)
How selfcentered I am (oDoffice)
(Don't) improve my story (oDoffice)
Eminem has a wonderful sense of meter (etc) (oDinny)
Script details for oStone's wBu biopic (Slate via Cinem)
Hot old DorisDay-MickeyMantle gossip (nyPost w/popup via Jz)
Artichoke Heart Imbues Man With Courage Of Artichoke (Onion-tsia)
(Didn't I already link this view of my flickrfaves?) (Flickriver)
Iran-attack 'smoke signals' (cPunch)
US Navy/AirForce volunteers redirected to Iraq service (cPunch)
Witty cAguilera fanpoem (vDaily)
Aerial Chgo-at-night (flickr via Rufus)
Flaubert's annoying last novel (pGut-multi)
jgBallard's autobiog reviewed (LRB)
ProtoIndoEuropean language update (LRB)
aSullivan nails USadmin for warcrimes (yTube-30sec via wakeUp)
Plan For A Long Retirement (short w/calculator)
Fun lifecycle-of-fears (list) (80)
Anomalous white rock on Mars (astroPic)
UkTel's 110 best-ever books (1pg via angus) (800)
New UK coin designs (1pg via kasei) (280)
Hi-res animated US CO2 maps (sciBlog w/5min-yTube)
Mild rave for MST3K reunion dvd (Cinem)
Madcow may spread thru milk? (sciBlog)
McCain publicly called wife 'c*nt' in '92 (short via Jz)
Obama needs a JFK-like PeaceCorps pr-coup (mWeiss)
Paint color sensitive to road temperature? (newSci via iSthtcs)
Google promises Ning-alike w/Python (Blgscpd) (GgOS)
New Snickers w/60mg caffeine (annc via vBoat)
Lucid counterpoint to aGreenspan's special-pleading (dBaker-short)
1st misspelling in 83yrs of NYer toons (cBank)
61% of historians think wBu worst-ever (Harpers)
Nabokov unscripted, for once (2yTubes-12min)
Witty comeback to barking dog (oDinny)
Generous victim turns mugging around (NPR-short via angus) (400)
HorseheadNebula's hydrogen (astroPic)
Historical origins of alphabetical order (Knuth-short)
Etext of Hesse's Siddhartha (pGut-multi)
General critique of fps ai (longish via aiDev)
'No duff!' = not a drill (dTongue)
Photoshop art (avProd)
Similar taste in flickrpix (flickr w/rss)
Generate regexps from example text (ajax) (900)
SemanticWeb tech overview (rwWeb via) (600)
Auroras in color (1pg-phat)
Kubrick killed by EyesWideShut conspirators? (yTube-9min)
Stats on world's opinions of USA (UkTel via wakeUp)
Animated map of Walmart openings (Flash-45sec via gpost)
Meteorite crater found via GgMaps (GgMap via lf)
OPEC and oil prices (long via lf)
More oStone-on-wBu rumors (ABC via iSteve)
Rockclimbing on Mars? (long via nWatch)
Groovy movie of aurora b. (Flash-10sec)
'buster slash' = eg Ghostbusters logo (dTongue)
Medieval paintcraft illustrated (1pg-wiide via Make)
Dome built of hulahoops (pix via Make)
$15 128*128 video hack (yTube-45sec w/link)
'Smart' music super-compression (sciBlog)
Tolstoy-biopic gossip (Cinem)
Excruciating 80s talentshow clips (10yTubes)
Bluey specs make calories less tempting (vshort via Jz)
Gender imbalances in USA (map via Jz) (70)
Disney's princess meme has evil implications (LaT via Jz)
Israel's true intentions re settlements (LRB)
LISP blog w/outstanding pix (blog)
Goldie Hawn w/o makeup?! (Yeeah)
$350 pocketsized video projectors? (NyT via /.)
'double effect' = when painrelief becomes mercykilling (dTongue)
'poverty pimp' = monopolizes poverty funding (dTongue)
Blake's psychedelic semantics (RWx-vshort-arcane)
Do flu-germs 'melt' in summer heat? (sciBlog-short)
Opponents of Iraq still awaiting 'debacle dividend' (mWeiss)
Penguins fly on 01Apr (Flash-90sec via vBoat)
2008: Apr Mar Feb Jan
2007: Dec Nov Oct Sep2 Sept Aug2 Aug1 July June May April2 April March Feb
no rss: cBank nDee mnftiu ljb verse
(numbers in parens are delicious linkcounts, indicating belatedness)()
how swiftly a man slips / out from a god (vDaily)
Sweet Pixar/Wall-E anecdote (meFi# via taint) (50)
Banksy unmasked? (UkMail via Waxy) (200)
New GgLively FAQ (Blgscpd)
This is the life (Sinfest)
Everyone should (link)blog (RWx)
my spark of darkness, / my own nugget of night (
Intro/overview to Google's 2ndLife-alike, Lively (Blgscpd w/pix)
Cannibal cupcake (nDee)
ObL demanded $144/barrel oil in 1998 (short via Steve)
Google's free new 2ndLife-alike (500k-download via Fim)
How dFeith got power? (mWeiss)
VulgarBoatman in the groove... (blog)
Classic wBu 2006 snafubar over Gaza (vFair-long via vBoat) (90)
WFMU launching Free Music Archive (site via vBoat)
Media blackout on wBu-warcrimes book (NYT via vBoat)
Zionism seen via MRI-scan (Atlantic-long)
Ben Stein is a moron (dBaker)
mBeard on ancient humor (NYRB-longish)
fDyson: CO2 molecules spend only 5yrs in atmosphere (NYRB-short)
Martian soil chemistry (arcane via nWatch)
that warm pub in St Andrews / We kissed in (Poems-vshort)
below the margin of the verse, the paper / is translucent with the oil (Poems)
the man's ache as he lights / the stove and the stalled / whatwhatwhat begins / to stew (Poems-short)
'Coraline' (nGaiman) movie music by TMBG? (IMDb-vshort)
SilverJews' ?tribute to tDunc/jBlake (yTube-audio-4min) [via/backstory]
Bollywood musical of ArundhatiRoy nonfiction!? (local via jDorch)
What-if: BillG behind bars? (dBaker)
Hedgefunds prep to blow still-bigger bubbles (dBaker)
Subtle oil price-fixing theory (shortish-local-arcane via dTongue)
'spiraling' = pre-introducing hard topics (dTongue)
Vshort recap of NyT zionism/bias (mWeiss)
Makin' honey (nDee)
US govt owns much of West (sMaps)
($20 diy) Snowglobe art (proJo w/links)
Crop circle encodes pi (proJo w/links)
Poignant card (pSecret)
Tim Russert was eeeeeevil (Nation)
House w/personal public news ticker (NYer/cBank)
jonStewart on Israel Lobby (Flash-5min via mWeiss)
RahmEmanuel as Zionist mole (mWeiss)
Author DanBrown on Usenet in 2000 (3 posts)
Cover story on Israeli spying in USA (AmCon-long via CSPAN)
(how could this still be unlinked on
New book on origins of neocon power (mWeiss)
Why WallSt needs more regulation (dBaker)
Offshore drilling might lower gas price 8 cents (dBaker)
'root shock' = displaced-person stress (dTongue)
No-brainer fix for financial speculation 'noise' (dBaker)
Factchecking McCain-vs-Obama as 'centrists' (pKrug-short)
New model of Milky Way (AstroPic)
'mobile mourning' = mourning changes-for-worse in living person (dTongue)
Sordid backstory of MarcRich pardon (cPunch-loong via Xym)
New GetYrWarOns (mnftiu)
Photoshop disease diagnosis (psDisasters)
Blogger zodiac? (xkcd)
Giant conceptual self-portrait 'hoax' (sMaps)
Megamart subversive (postSecret)
Hot anti-wBu editorial from jBiden (WSJ via Steve)
wBu insider defects in new book (short w/link via mWeiss)
they / have lived enough and they can go click, click (vDaily-vshort)
i am ramping up / equal and opposite / to the helplessness i feel (jSib-short)
New JackHandey (NYer-longish)
Magic colors (Zsaj)
were we not / as lovely as thunder, and damp grass, and flame? (vDaily)
he thinks of how his pillow / will smell in his bed, beside his bride (vDaily)
GgFaceImages by country (Blgscpd form)
'rewilding' = rebalancing nature using near replacements (dTongue)
SusieBright on dcMadam (nsfw via dLand)
Watch iRossellini's artflix (Sundance via cMonk)
'mis lit' = memoirs of misery (dTongue)
'alpha roll' = human overwhelms canine (dTongue)
Jaded Seismologist Can No Longer Feel Anything Under 7.0 On Richter Scale (Onion-tsia)
Visualising world movie industry (1200*1800 jpeg via sMaps)
US consumer-spending pie (Flash via iSthtcs) (600)
ChuckECheese2.0 = fiasco? (lOdor)
There's not a shopper here a day over twenty / except me and another mother (
LunarSociety group for TheresaDuncan fans (Ning-arcane)
META-headers revival? (intro)
nFinkelstein update (mWeiss)
I am trying to think / of a pick-up line beginning with war and ending with peace (vDaily)
USmap of best wind-power sites (iGreed)
'anticipointment' = overhyped news story (dTongue)
cShirky on Wikipedia-as-social-trend (longish via Waxy) (1000)
'work to rule' = no-more-no-less than required (dTongue)
2ndLife sociology-map (semi-friv)
Posthumous vNab due (UkG via cMonk)
'Genre' keyword for GgVid search (GgOS-short)
Wall outlet also spools cord (pic via lorbus)
Commas, Turning Up, Everywhere (Onion-short)
New NYRB incl fKahlo, gSoros (toc)
Govt should fund copylefted textbooks (dBaker-short)
Neocon warcrime statutes (links via vBoat)
MemeWatch: 'AI' vs 'semantic web' (GgTrends)
Monk at iMeem, chronologically (RWx-phat)
Mingus at iMeem, chronologically (RWx-phat)
Meteorologists' accuracy rated (graphs via pSang)
hWillner attends LouR/LaurieA nups (short)
CO2 visualised as black balloons (yTube-45sec)
Photoshop fine art (flickr)
17yo's editorial against WarOnTerror (Sam)
Why-I-like-my-city responses (Sam)
too / many changes of mind equal mud (vDaily)
you the salt / sucked from the tips of braids (vDaily)
When/how robots killed (Wired via Risks)
SQL malware source code (varcane via Risks)
RupertMurdoch's c1993 missteps w/China (long)
iPhone + Flash-alike = big fun? (iGreed-short)
Gas prices worldwide (table)
Dogs vs birthdays (nDee-pic)
DonDeLillo snark (Onion-pic)
Cool geology model (pic via lorbus)
Cf-ing shoddy metrics in health, biz (philG-longish)
Zionists game Wikipedia (longish via mWeiss)
'rank and yank' = eg Enron firing worst 10% each year (dTongue)
Outgrowing faddishness? (MeMo-short)
Early whole-system sims critiqued (pKrug-arcane)
Review of recent media vs jCarter (antiWar via Sam)
Mid-USA women's life expectancies declining (jpg via Sam)
"It was never about the stick" (NYer-toon)
USmap distorted to match news-coverage (sMaps)
Pre-Iraq-idiocy quotes (1pg)
'Droste effect' = infinite-regress pix (dTongue)
'lawnmower beer' = cheap beer (dTongue)
Tarot 2.0 (1pg via tOccult)
Sunlight plus oxygen / makes nitroglycerin (vDaily)
Upper 1% of incomes need offshore competition (dBaker-short)
Iraq-quagmire analysis (aAard-longish)
'Alien-abduction' lamp (pix via wLotta) (300)
177 early Dylan tunes and covers (iMeem-no-reg-req)
128-particle game-physics sandbox (yTube-2min)
120 ElvisCostello tunes and cover versions (iMeem-no-reg-req)
Sims3 insider gossip (longish)
Iraq's 'good' and 'bad' guys indistinguishable (iSteve)
Haaretz praises jCarter (shortish via mWatch)
Two short QTs from Japan's lunar orbiter (short via Steve)
Recent examples of divided Jewish loyalty (mWeiss-list)
Please promise me, she says, / that you'll lay me down for coyotes and flies (vDaily)
Gold-price ?tracking oil-price (graph via Xym)
How SuzanneVega writes (NyT)
Geek Hierarchy (gif via vBoat) (600)
New project for music nerds (iMeem-phat)
McCain's gas-tax proposal vs economic reality (dBaker-dontmiss)
IrisMurdoch's publisher offers 1st 50pg of ?all her books (Flash)
Free Strips Of Paper (jpg via Anrchia)
250 JoniMitchell tunes and covers (iMeem, NO reg req?)
Hillary's over-the-top Zionism (mJones via Xym)
Republicans exacerbate income inequality (pKrug-graph)
WallaceStevens tribute (vDaily)
New NYRB incl Rapunzel, mChabon on rPrice (toc)
Sharp critique of last week's BillMoyers (dBaker)
Aerial lumberyard (pic)
19Mar gamma-ray burst continues to surprise (newSci)
One-off Atari2600 handheld (yTube-60sec w/link via Engdgt)
Porting 8bit games to javascript (source via Ktku) (800)
Lessons-learned from failed Shakespeare vr (short via Ktku)
$40 SimCity bundle (Ktku)
mChabon's 'Spiderman2' screenplay (250pg-pdf)
6 Formerly Kickass Creatures Ruined by Evolution (2pg)
2008 casual-games winners (Jay w/links)
Live 'Barracuda' from Heart w/Fergie (Flash-3min)
?Synopsis of Dylan's radio shows (vFair w/popup via Steve)
Hole-in-one at Masters yesterday (yTube-30sec-plus)
In euros, DJIA is back to 2003 level (MSN-graph)
Anomalous complexity near root of tree-of-life (sciBlog-arcane)
Tips for waking refreshed (blog via angus) (400)
Gorgeous tree-of-life zoom-out (1pg via angus) (80)
UN official questions PNAC Sept2000 'hope' for 9/11 (nySun via wakeUp)
Soapbubble turbulence cf Jupiter turbulence (newSci w/15sec-yTube)
Ritalin helps scientists think (webMD via /.)
Moby [heart]s Britney (Superf)
Dry rave for foodstamps (shortish via Sam)
Tinkerbell's got a posse (2pg w/pix via iWatch)
Lucid bailout worstcase scenario (Nation-longish via Sam)
MS-Yahoo melodrama as silentmovie serial (iGreed-short)
Intimations of Hillary's campaign's mortality (mWeiss-list)
Iran strengthening Lebanon's defenses (Xym w/link)
85 (!?!) IncredibleStringBand tunes (iMeem-reg-req)
21 MaryCoughlan tunes (iMeem-reg-req)
Four Stewart/Gaskin tunes (iMeem-reg-req)
wWright's Spore update/crit (gsW via Ktku)
Quake3 on iPod w/tilt-control (yTube-50sec via Ktku)
jonStewart on 2ndLife (Flash-4min)
25 best-ever child stars (Flash-26pg via Cinem)
Mil-indust complex needs more wars (Cnsrtium)
jPaulson made $3B anticipating bubble popping (UkG via lf)
Baghdad paralysed by defensive walls (yTube-5min)
JimRogers on bubble/bailout (longish via lf)
cShirky on sColbert (Flash-6min via angus)
How selfcentered I am (oDoffice)
(Don't) improve my story (oDoffice)
Eminem has a wonderful sense of meter (etc) (oDinny)
Script details for oStone's wBu biopic (Slate via Cinem)
Hot old DorisDay-MickeyMantle gossip (nyPost w/popup via Jz)
Artichoke Heart Imbues Man With Courage Of Artichoke (Onion-tsia)
(Didn't I already link this view of my flickrfaves?) (Flickriver)
Iran-attack 'smoke signals' (cPunch)
US Navy/AirForce volunteers redirected to Iraq service (cPunch)
Witty cAguilera fanpoem (vDaily)
Aerial Chgo-at-night (flickr via Rufus)
Flaubert's annoying last novel (pGut-multi)
jgBallard's autobiog reviewed (LRB)
ProtoIndoEuropean language update (LRB)
aSullivan nails USadmin for warcrimes (yTube-30sec via wakeUp)
Plan For A Long Retirement (short w/calculator)
Fun lifecycle-of-fears (list) (80)
Anomalous white rock on Mars (astroPic)
UkTel's 110 best-ever books (1pg via angus) (800)
New UK coin designs (1pg via kasei) (280)
Hi-res animated US CO2 maps (sciBlog w/5min-yTube)
Mild rave for MST3K reunion dvd (Cinem)
Madcow may spread thru milk? (sciBlog)
McCain publicly called wife 'c*nt' in '92 (short via Jz)
Obama needs a JFK-like PeaceCorps pr-coup (mWeiss)
Paint color sensitive to road temperature? (newSci via iSthtcs)
Google promises Ning-alike w/Python (Blgscpd) (GgOS)
New Snickers w/60mg caffeine (annc via vBoat)
Lucid counterpoint to aGreenspan's special-pleading (dBaker-short)
1st misspelling in 83yrs of NYer toons (cBank)
61% of historians think wBu worst-ever (Harpers)
Nabokov unscripted, for once (2yTubes-12min)
Witty comeback to barking dog (oDinny)
Generous victim turns mugging around (NPR-short via angus) (400)
HorseheadNebula's hydrogen (astroPic)
Historical origins of alphabetical order (Knuth-short)
Etext of Hesse's Siddhartha (pGut-multi)
General critique of fps ai (longish via aiDev)
'No duff!' = not a drill (dTongue)
Photoshop art (avProd)
Similar taste in flickrpix (flickr w/rss)
Generate regexps from example text (ajax) (900)
SemanticWeb tech overview (rwWeb via) (600)
Auroras in color (1pg-phat)
Kubrick killed by EyesWideShut conspirators? (yTube-9min)
Stats on world's opinions of USA (UkTel via wakeUp)
Animated map of Walmart openings (Flash-45sec via gpost)
Meteorite crater found via GgMaps (GgMap via lf)
OPEC and oil prices (long via lf)
More oStone-on-wBu rumors (ABC via iSteve)
Rockclimbing on Mars? (long via nWatch)
Groovy movie of aurora b. (Flash-10sec)
'buster slash' = eg Ghostbusters logo (dTongue)
Medieval paintcraft illustrated (1pg-wiide via Make)
Dome built of hulahoops (pix via Make)
$15 128*128 video hack (yTube-45sec w/link)
'Smart' music super-compression (sciBlog)
Tolstoy-biopic gossip (Cinem)
Excruciating 80s talentshow clips (10yTubes)
Bluey specs make calories less tempting (vshort via Jz)
Gender imbalances in USA (map via Jz) (70)
Disney's princess meme has evil implications (LaT via Jz)
Israel's true intentions re settlements (LRB)
LISP blog w/outstanding pix (blog)
Goldie Hawn w/o makeup?! (Yeeah)
$350 pocketsized video projectors? (NyT via /.)
'double effect' = when painrelief becomes mercykilling (dTongue)
'poverty pimp' = monopolizes poverty funding (dTongue)
Blake's psychedelic semantics (RWx-vshort-arcane)
Do flu-germs 'melt' in summer heat? (sciBlog-short)
Opponents of Iraq still awaiting 'debacle dividend' (mWeiss)
Penguins fly on 01Apr (Flash-90sec via vBoat)
2008: Apr Mar Feb Jan
2007: Dec Nov Oct Sep2 Sept Aug2 Aug1 July June May April2 April March Feb
no rss: cBank nDee mnftiu ljb verse
(numbers in parens are delicious linkcounts, indicating belatedness)()
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