Ostrich autobiography (vDaily)
20 most expensive celeb divorces (list via Yeeah)
Hasidic Jews classed by gov as 'disadvantaged' (iSteve)
Obama-on-Israel update (mWeiss)
Hiphop/cookery mashup (yTube-3min)
NYC blogger bars (GgMap via Fim)
'Clarke event' = 1st filmed black-hole birth (sciBlog w/pix) (blog via /.)
250Myo biomolecules found in saltmine (sciBlog)
Terahertz tech explored (arcane w/graphs)
Peek at 11Byo galaxy formation (sciBlog-no-pix)
More blessed to give than receive (SciBlog)
Amazon's unhip new print-on-demand policy (/.)
Cheap power makes Iceland attractive Net hub (BizWk-3pg via /.)
Casting rumors for OliverStone's wBu biopic (Cinem)
10 'most prophetic' scifi movies (pg10of10 via Cinem)
Rembrandt daffodils (Zsaj)
New Tibet-myths-themed Bjork vid (Flash-8min)
jKoons owes IlonaS $2M support? (Reuters via Jz)
Short defense of GirlsGoneWild guy (Jez)
vBoat's been excellent lately (blog)
Iran pwns Iraq (pKrug-vshort w/link)
New NYRB incl gGreer on wShak (toc)
Hillary's tally of lies (list via Sam)
Post-Busharraf Pakistan (UkG via Sam)
Sex-workers' jargon (2pg-gifs via Sam)
Mass media ignored bubble warnings (E&P via Sam)
Me c1973 (Sinfest-Saturday)
Us always (Sinfest-Sunday)
HisDarkMaterials prequel (UkG-extract)
Esquire's insomnia issue (multipage)
State-of-Iraq update (aAard-longish)
Sirius-XM merger eliminates broadcast-data competition (PhilG)
Text-animations of classic movie dialogs (15yTubes via lf) (300)
'uok' = are you okay? (ttod)
'Hole' in the night sky (AstroPic)
hRollins claims Britney can't even sing (short via Jz)
Walrus/girl dance-vid (yTube-50sec)
Use GgTrends to graph meme-popularity (Blgscpd)
Neoconservatism As A Betrayal Of Jewish Values (Philly via mWeiss)
Mathematical Easter-egg designs (Wolfram)
The problem with pennies (NYer-long)
eating a soft-boiled egg-- just one-- / from a tiny, hesitant, glittering spoon (Poems.com)
'Black' magician fails on reality-teevee (India via tOccult)
Mindboggling cynicism of banking lobby (pKrug-short w/pic)
Ten way-over-the-top JackieChan stunts (Flash-6min via vBoat)
Realtime econ-text-revision blogging (pKrug-vshort-arcane)
Sims3 Create-a-Sim slideshow (Flash-7pix via gTxA)
o christ i cant keep typing this (Onion-pic)
Some semiliterary semantic topologies (RWx)
Shakespeare was jewish woman? (shortish via wakeUp)
't+' = think positive (ttod)
Nicer browsing-view of my 1288 flickr faves (flickriver-no-rss)
Petri-dish-themed Halloween desserts (pic)
I will rest and be free of you then (vDaily)
Frontline reviews wBu's war next week (E&P)
Yoga-forum debates 'Inhale' (tv) (2pg-2005)
Lively VivWestwood interview (Jez w/link)
MartaSebestyen on yTube (fave)
Obama saying right things on Iraq (aAard w/link)
Chumby for dummies (Forbes via angus)
5th anniversary of RachelCorrie's murder (WakeUp)
Internet-over-powerlines a nonstarter? (Oz via dy)
Purpleurpleorangeangeange (Zsaj)
Content-typology pages for the semantic web (RWx)
dMamet ?outgrows liberalism (longish via cPnch)
eWurtzel mourns ?fading feminism (shortish via Jz)
'virtual water' = consumed by production (sciBlog)
Around the fast food dumpsters, gulls implement late capitalism (Poems-longish)
"This is the real world, kid. There are no sprinkles." (oDchgo)
Where Change Really Comes From (Sam-long)
Panther genetic-eve lived in 20thC (newSci)
How Iraqis are feeling (aAard-stats)
If the USA withdrew... (aAard-longish)
'He has eyeglasses and he's a woman' (oDvrwhr)
5yo to 7yo: 'I'll punch your Adam's apple straight down your throat!' (oDinny)
Shuttle vaportrail (AstroPic)
The semantics of priorities (RWx-short)
DVD-release economics (Cinem)
Bs-mesons may explain antimatter asymmetry (newSci-arcane)
bristly mourning bride / rooted in a single thickness of glass stones (vDaily)
WaPo leads Obama Lobby-smear (mWeiss)
War-oil costing $1B/week (AmCon via xym)
acClarke's '2001' diary (etext via Steve)
New old Ethan/Uma gossip (nyMag via Jez)
I felt like Pythagoras / standing in my drawers / at the window (tethered)
GetYrWarOn blog finally getting its war on (mnftiu)
We're all rustbelters now (philG)
Yikes (postSecret)
By their neutrinos we can know them (ETs) (newSci-short)
LA's housingbubblehomeless (BBC-yTube-90sec)
Uncannyvalley robot mule (yTube-3min via vBoat)
'hallwalker' = executive eunuch (dTongue)
'meez' = cooks' mise-en-place (dTongue)
c1980 scifi fanzines cover gallery (1pg)
Life always complicates? (sciBlog)
Communicating one photon at a time (short via /.)
tSwinton: HarryPotter "fetishizes boarding school" (nyPost-recent-short)
'For sale:baby shoes,never worn' and the semantic web (RWx)
aJo feeds brood junk (pic)
jDepp taught kMoss secret of mystery (vshort via Jez)
Yellowelloworangeangange (Zsaj)
Salmon population crashes (NyT w/popup via vBoat)
Krugman on bailouts (NyT)
"A hedge fund manager can make himself rich simply by exposing his investors to risks they don't understand" (vshort w/links)
Boring new NYRB (toc)
Quality-of-life 'recession' started in 1975 (LaT-CD-shortish via Sam)
Scifi creations traced to realworld antecedents (1pg w/pix)
Dems should run on restoring USA's image abroad (dArse-short)
70 best science books (3pg via gPost)
Harvard student data hacked. published (Cnet via gPost)
Native Americans had 6 'genetic eves' (AP via gPost)
Ethics as universal grammar (NyT via gPost)
"I had to growl at someone" (oDvrwhr)
8bit platformer cubed (Fez trailer) (Flash-5min via Fim)
'fish w/feet' = evolutionary misstep (dTongue)
New $200M space-robot in coma (USA2 via nWatch)
Lobby smearing Obama? (mWatch w/link)
Gratuitous U2-bashing (FMU)
Sorting out Israeli cause-and-effect (Xym-short)
Silda Spitzer visibly aged by scandal (pix)
Gothic Lolita update (Jez w/pix)
"It is important to be King of All the Wild Things" (MeMo-short)
The semantic web and the wisest of the wise (RWx-varcane)
Distinctive ?impressionist portraits by Monica Cook (pic, links)
ParkerPosey interview (OnionAV)
'black dog syndrome' = shelters can't place big black dogs (dTongue)
Plotter-hack prints detailed logo atop latte (yTube-2min via Make)
Britney's new anime video (GgV-4min)
TheSims theory (gTxA-chapter)
Those shortterm psychological effects (Sinfest)
A little boy with a nailgun... (CulDeSac)
Emo bath... (pic via Rufus)
Dutch documentary on IsraelLobby (GgV-50min via WakeUp)
Shroud Of Turin Accidentally Washed With Red Shirt (Onion)
DrStrangelove's take on 3am military emergencies (yTube-3min)
'vertical corpse' = boring newsphoto (dTongue)
dDenby on the Coen Bros (NYer-long)
US distribution of Walmarts vs Starbucks (graphs via Waxy)
AlanMoore for dummies (OnionAV)
Clever tips for hiding cable-clutter (1pg w/pix, links via Make) (500)
5day rockbandcamp empowers girlz (yTube-3min-dontmiss)
aKutch punking tabs (Vh1)
$10/hr to create 2ndLife content (Reuters via eAard)
'Menopause rocks!' (oDoffice)
pWeiss thinks Obama-vs-HRC will widen Lobby debate (shortish)
Simulated puppet-gymnast (yTube-2min via fMotion)
Felix the ram looked / proprietary in his separate pen / while fatherhood accrued to him (shortish via gKeil)
1980 KateBush vid parody (yTube-3min)
ArundhatiRoy reflects on success (India)
How to tell Clinton and Obama apart (Sam-list-long)
MOMA explores commodified color (cLovers w/pix)
'Vaginatown' (oDinny)
Two more mWeiss's on Lobby mechanics (1) (2)
Spacecraft anomaly matches mystery-formula (newSci-arcane)
Semi-found poem (vDaily)
Moths remember caterpillar lessons (sciBlog)
'food desert' = far from grocery stores (dTongue)
'Busharraf' = derogatory for Musharraf (dTongue)
"Needs more robots" (Sinfest)
Nader on MeetThePress 24Feb (2yTubes-17min)
NyT on IsraelLobby trial (NyT)
Waxy hosts Joni's SummerLawns demos (9mp3s)
How to win at Monopoly (1pg) (1000)
US drought maps (maps) (80)
Palestinians' shrinking territory since 1946 (maps via angus) (100)
MemeWatch: "toward a..." (GgW)
How does a band become synonymous with mediocrity? (OnionAV-short)
Spy-gadgets currently available (1pg w/pix via lf) (150)
Severe tardiness damage (oDvrwhr)
she / tears out the gills—- / with the crack of tooth extraction (poems.com)
More difficult than flight itself / was learning how to brace a wing / for someone else (vDaily)
Hide your bed behind your books (1pg-pix) (75)
NicholsonBaker's Wikipedia ID (Wiki via Fim)
GossipGirl vs Lolita (NYer-jMalc)
Good Democrats can't diss Nader (Sam)
2008: Feb Jan
2007: Dec Nov Oct Sep1 Aug2 Aug1 July June May April2 April March Feb