of electronic database evolution
synching has to obsess on timestamps
so as to avoid clobbering
newer values with older
implying a discourse pattern/
data format like
(topic, olddate, oldvalue, newdate, newvalue, comments)
but in human communication
everything else is normally subsumed
into (newvalue)
with even the topic
cited as obliquely as possible
fast bright hip slangy
as opposed to
dull literal prosaic discursive
for discourse is first of all
a status display
omitting everything 'beneath' you
real human discourse
is almost entirely
trivial to the point of irrelevance
tom vs katie
britney's shaved head
sports and weather after this
because discourse is secondarily
just a social glue
like apes' grooming
with silences correspondingly awkward
ideally filled with
anything effervescent
style before content
eg even tall tales
on the Net
we can subscribe
to newsfeeds on topics we choose
from sources we choose
(someday) at levels of detail we choose
conventionally blogged in reverse order
so we don't have to keep explicit track
of the last item read
in each feed
humans also routinely
sin against truth
preferring prejudicial
'target values'
to actual values
consequently ignored