Slick dancevid from SE:SA (3min-QT)
Az's Kindle is actually a great deal (short w/popupvia jGerm)
Cute pic (flickr)
Mysterious cat-visitor (flickr-Zsaj)
Pentagon seeks to embed anthropologists (itTms)
Current NYer toon echoes 1984 FarSide (Gelf via E&P)
Trees in parkinglot (aerial-pic)
AT&T has 20+yr archive of who-called-who (Schneier via wufySlmbr)
Do we sleep so genes can relax? (sciBlog)
'Marvel Zombies' as culture critique (RigInt-shortish)
Attack of the living metaphors (Sinfest)
GgProducts muscling out Paypal? (Blgscpd)
Robot has 4 legs sharing 2 feet (Flash-60sec)
Majority of voters disgusted w/media bias (E&P-stats via Sam)
JuliaRoberts chews out reckless paparazzi driver (TMZ-60sec via wSmirch)
1st nucleic acids formed spontaneous liquid-crystal bubbles? (short via pGen)
'mass amateurisation' = making pros redundant (eg via blogs) (2002-shortish) (54)
cShirky pokes holes in SemanticWeb idealism (2003-long) (472)
Marx's Kapital as a gothic novel (shortish)
Random rave for Doctorow's Ragtime (shortish)
Poet's rave for IrisM's 'Black Prince' (shortish via2 eAard)
'neoJamesian folkmeos' = dream neologism (blog via jGerm)
Every RunningUpThatHill version evar (15mp3s)
Kate's new song for pPullman flick (yTube-3min)
Iraq surge reality-check (Harpers-intvu via mjb)
10 Semantic Apps to Watch (rwWeb via mjb) (200)
Fibonnaci-fied poetic metre (pFound)
Flock of sheep (aerial-pic)
US economy now running on speculative bubbles (Harpers-intvu)
Hack-it-yrself parabolic mic (1pg via Make)
"Speak to your kids about Cooties... before Cooties speak to them first" (Vh1-60sec)
Slo-mo reverse fancy-sandcastle demolitions (2min via Yeeah)
Short clip of Depp/hbCarter singing Sondheim (Flash-2min via iWatch)
NyT on tDunc&Mr (NyT w/pix)
PockIt = Post-It w/glue on three sides (pix via lorbus)
MeLovesCookies selling knitcrafts (Etsy via flickr)
1st galaxies condensed around dark matter? (pWorld via pGen)
China spends $20M on CFLs to save $500M on electricity (short via pGen)
Contrarian view that Britney's too smart for roleplaying (Jez)
Vrighteous new DollyParton video (yTube-4min via Jez)
Haskell monads for dummies (arcane via gpost)
Pullman flick tagged as Xmas blockbuster (UkG w/3min-vid via Cinem)
jWood on 'War&Peace' (NYer-long)
CateB the only good thing in Dylan ?biopic (NYer)
'Gossip Girl' saved by iTunes (NYer)
Animated hBosch vid for noise/metal band (yTube-3min via cMonk)
Top ten boardgames for gifting (dYeti)
Smart geometrics in crop circles (SciNews-2003 via gpost)
Earth's biomes from human-centric pov (GgMaps via pGen)
Tabloid-summary incl new Britney preg rumor (Jez)
Arty conspiracy doc, Zeitgeist (GgV-2hr via lf) (360)
CYA 'commentary' edition of horrid SigurRos intvu (15min-video via lf)
Metasynthesis-related tags on (RWx-5arcane)
Pretty, abstract button-patterns (inept-frame via ehein)
Status icons from 8bit-goddess SusanKare (Emblems-short)
"You're never upgrading anything again" (xkcd-toon)
Short Walt-Mearsheimer intvu (BBC-transcript)
$160 GPS (Cnet)
1000s of tarot images compared (inept html frames via Wiki)
Look / what / I / made. (Sinfest)
Homeless youth love free yoga class (yTube-5min via vBoat)
Linux kernel-hackers group photo (arcane via iSteve) (99)
Hot-or-Not supplies stats for psych analysis (stats via Fim) (120)
'X-for-president' pagecounts (graph)
Shark-amputee girl surfs again (pix)
Did art evolve as social glue? (NyT-shortish via gpost)
Tech pan for Imax 3D (Cinem)
Joyce audiobooks (blog)
Line-by-line TaoTeChing 24translations-comparison (1of81pg via eAard)
Taliban reclaiming Afghanistan? (Oz via dy)
Flickr still growing exponentially (graph via mbox)
Worst vc investments evar (list via iGreed)
Esquire's online edition is improving (site w/rss)
12yr BBC unabridged-Shakespeare project (UkTel via cMonk)
NYer cartoons issue (cBank-toc)
Algorithmic ranking of 100 best newsblogs (list via Eureka)
Most shocking rock-concert moments (19pg w/yTubes via Jez)
Roundworm vulvas evolve directionally (sciBlg-arcane)
Spherical topology, set to Schumann (yTube-3min via sciNews)
she growls from her blankets, / a gravely monosyllable (vDaily)
remember? Buckminster Fuller lathering up under the waterfall (vDaily-sestina)
Tinkertoy ontology visualisations (pix via edV)
Martin Amis, Islamophobe (UkG) (Flash-arcane via Jez)
Disney milks 'princess' meme (Nwswk w/popup via Jez)
Dramatic model-portraits (flickr-1pg-toc)
AustralianIdol KateBush cover (yTube-3min)
Fastfood nutritional info compiled (tables via lf) (44)
FoxBusinessNews has zero realworld impact (iGreed-vshort)
Giant 1932 logarithmic timeline (8Mb jpeg via angus)
20% drop in US$ = 8% rise in prices? (pKrug-arcane)
Autobiography recapitulates etymogeny (RWx)
Michael Hurley on NPR (17min via Magpie)
Innovative 2007 book-cover designs (1pg via edV) (160)
Cute Danish chyx (flickr)
Locate-yr-US-accent quiz (17q via eAard) (320)
2010 census-takers getting 500k PDAs (pMech w/vid via Engdgt)
How the West was won (Sinfest)
Music tempos correlated to emotions (table via iSteve)
Meditations on bMarley and other music (iSteve-don't-miss)
9 most racist Disney characters (1pg w/yTubes via eAard) (130)
Online stopwatch (ajax via eAard) (200)
Lots more DonHopkins on SimCity&c (blog)
New NYRB (toc)
wBlitzer vs dKucinich (cPunch)
Useful NewSci video about yurt/surfer string-theory (yTube-2min via /.)
Orchard w/snow (aerial)
Baseball-pitches visualised (1pg via Norton) (250)
Rave for cheap 3D GPS (blog via nRec)
NYC exhibit of Mr tDunc, Jeremy Blake (nySun-2pg w/pix)
Binge drinking doesn't hurt fetus? (sciBlg-short)
Stats on US power-plant CO2 (sciBlg-tables)
New map of Europe's best soils (sciBlg)
1-week sample of unreported Israel news (blog)
20 syntactic sentence-patterns (GgBks-toc)
BillCosby rejects ebonics (itTms-bkrev)
Nielsen ratings for US news websites (E&P-list)
mDrabble on new jCowperPowys bio (UkTms-bkrev)
Picasa finally obfuscates Gmail IDs (GgOS)
Fight the Power (jpeg via eAard)
Tetris/Bejeweled family tree (jJuul w/pix via Ktku)
20 new particles predicted by surfer in yurt (UkTel via gpost)(86)
Funny-dumb 'Get Smart' trailer (Flash-60sec via Cinem)
Rave for 3D Imax 'Beowulf' (Cinem)
sBlumenthal on wBu's Pakistan-karma (UkG via NYer)
Pretty 'chamber folk' from LochLomond (7mp3s)
Don't-miss stunning TomWaits cover by Cibelle (yTube-4min via ant)
WMAP skymap may suffer noise-pollution (NewSci)
KateB doing song for Pullman flick (yHoo via del)
201 Chekhov stories (toc via jSeib)(250)
More lovelies from Zsaj (flickr)
Porcelain soda-cans (pic via litwack)(50)
1985 Lobby-book author reviews 2007 Lobby book (shortish)
1919 writers' strike shaped Hollywood? (iSteve w/link)
Downloadable text-IF versions of classic arcade games (toc via Ktku)
Supermodel eats <1000 calories daily (Jez)
"...we are so moving to Westchester" (oDinny)
Crayolacube combinatorics (RWx-5phat)
MarianneFaithfull-sounding tune from Okay (mp3-7min)
Rave reviews for $200 Linux box (wMart via /.)
Rockin early eGerman punk from FeelingB (FMU w/mp3s, yTube-links)
Another side of Porter Wagoner (FMU w/mp3s)
BeetleBailey returns to Catch22 roots? (cCrmdgn)
Goofy videogame nostalgia (esp double entendres) (yTube-3min via nTndo)
Northernlights in Iceland (flickr)
CFL bulbs whistle in dogs' ears (sciBlg)
Classifying moodswings? (short-varcane)
Color thesaurus (cLovers)
Deconstructing 'Greek love' (UkG-long)
Streetmusician's 'Creep' w/banjo (yTube-3min via l4Nxt)
SimCity gets GPLed (dHopkins-arcane)
Recent profile of nMailer (Esq-long)
Whistlebower SibelEdmonds update (dKos w/yTubes via gRm)
If gChaucer wrote for teevee... (arcane)
Applying AI to online-counterterror (edu via AP)
Euro satellite mistaken for asteroid threat (Oz-short)
Update on Levon Helm of The Band (cPunch-longish)
Update schedules for GgReader and GgBlogSearch (GgOs)
When the writers-strike will stall various teevee series (table via Fim)
1968 mMcCluhan-vs-nMailer showdown (GgV-30min via Fim)
'left/right of boom' = pre/postventive solutions to IEDs (dTongue-left) (right)
Vvvbogus govt attempt to model political instability (Wired via Sam)
Boomer-nostalgia vignette (oDinny)
Lo-power-FM activism update (FMU via lf)
Over-the-top Jp Wii golf game (Flash-2min)
Anthropology of sex, by country (toc via gpost)
a vast unknown / but precise number of pages (NYer-short)
Tags should be plural by default (RWx-vshort)
Linguistic coincidences that (could) beget folk etymologies (arcane via dTongue)
How the Irish DIDN'T invent slang (dTongue-long)
Occupants also hate Gehry's MIT bldg (PhilG-short)
W3C's straitjacket for your imagination (1700*1300 jpeg via angus)(800)
GoreVidal praises dKucinich (Nation-short)
ElvisC's 1st teevee shot (Allison solo) (yTube-3min)
Short review of new JohnBerger (Znet-5arcane)
DeanStockwell's song in BlueVelvet (yTube-2min)
Rave for TheOnion's subtle intelligence (Reason via anrchia)
Creative uses for aluminum foil (list via lf)
About: metatagsoup (RWx-short-arcane)
New NYRB incl Tolstoy, Krugman (toc)
The Icelandic Horse (24pix)
Handmade chocolate cupcakes filled with blueberry cream (flickr)
HacketyHack as a first language? (PhilG-thread)
US foreclosures map (mYg)
jSib/Issa averages $1.18 per 'free' mp3 (adAge-passim)
SandyDenny retrospectives (IndIE)
dhLawrence poems (pGut-etext)
Moby donates tracks to indie filmmakers (Variety via Cinem)
Free Sam'n'Max Windows adventure (download via l4Next)
Blix sees Iraq invasion as Saudi-substitute (AFP via Sam)
$60 motherboard runs Firefox, Open Office (specs via /.)(57)
stayed home sick. made raspberry jam. ate it all. (melovescookies)
Is it spam if it also reports yr spelling error? (Blgscpd-short)
Brainstorming neologisms for meeting-of-sycophants (iGreed-thread)
Stiglitz eulogy for US economy (vFair-long via iGreed)
Contrarian DavidThomson on the writers' strike (UkG)
RobtFisk reviews 'Rendition' (UkInd-Znet)
KahlilGibran gibberish-generator (longish via Ralph)
Vfriv 'Rocky' I-VI synopsis (yTube-20sec)
Intvu w/fave RichardLester (OnionAV)
Pharmco R&D costs are astronomical (short via pGen)
$1 12v battery contains 8 1.5v cells (Flash-40sec via pGen)
9 Awesome Directors Who Temporarily Lost Their Mind[s] (Cracked via Cinem)
Radiohead mp3-experiment postmortem (stats via /.)(65)
14min movie of pre-1906-earthquake SF CA (multiformat via iJunk)
NyT on molecular gastronomy (longish via lf)
Robot standup comedy (McSwnys-shortish)
Future Facebook nightmare scenario (iGreed-vshort w/link)
NYers appreciating art (oDinny-1liners)
Shhh, don't tell: Mukasey's an Orthodox Jew (GgNews-15hits)
Fulltext of Polti's 36 Dramatic Situations (GgBooks)
'Crowdsourcing' Fossett-searchers frustrated (Wired)
Slick choreography in FingerEleven vid (yTube-4min)
Tiny peek at Sims3 AI (vshort via gTxA)
ChloeSevigny profiled in... PsychToday? (longish via Jez)
AniDiFranco profile/update (Znet-shortish)
Iraq IEDs caught on video (9yTubes-20min)
no allegory here, only crows / on a rampage (vDaily-short)
Loonie going thru roof ($1.08+) (5day-graph)
Posthumous MollyIvins book (E&P)
$300M Gehry showpiece suffers $1.5M leaks (Boston via Sam)
Israeli spies outfoxing US system (aWar-long via Sam)
JnoDemme's JmCarter on Israeli apartheid (rTom-71% w/links)
Minot nuke-mishap anomalies (cPunch-5arcane)
ForeignPolicy on global triumph of hiphop (long via aAard)
US media hide Maliki's bodyguards (aAard w/pix)
The Syrian Jews of Brooklyn (iSteve w/link)
Some still-unanswered hoaxtop skepticism (blog)
Best-ever free Flash games (Cnet-10pg via /.)
Porn reduces rape? (Chgo-Sam)
JimRogers says China's renminbi is safest investment (wmv-10min)
Brilliant pocket screwdriver $8.50/doz (sell via Make)(135)
Grainy new video of PeteDoherty shooting heroin (Flash-75sec)
'Layers' of 3D-game-rendering illustrated (Flash-90sec)
Named strategies for bluffing (iGreed w/NYer-link)
'navy shower' = lathering w/water off (dTongue)
My tools aren't pink (nDee-profane)
DesignExperiment: metatagsoup (
RozChast toon about MySpace (NYer)
Fine new GetYrWarOns (mnftiu)
Silly pseudo-doc on the brain (yTube-10min via eAard)
Rave for newage dance meditation (gimbo)
US UFO-hotspots map (sMaps via cMonk)
Unconvincing worldmap of topselling bands (Flash via iSthtcs)(500)
Clever moon-robot prototype (Flash-5min via rDreams)
Sales stats for top Nintendo games (Wii, DS) (gSutra-short via Ktku)
BluRay-vs-HD-dvd update (Ktku)
PacMan as text-adventure in Flash (Ktku w/link)
New live AmyWinehouse musical trainwreck (Flash-4min)
Documentary on calc-wiz 'savant' (GgV-50min via gpost)(300)
Candi Strecker's 1998 hipster's canon (RWx w/Wayback link)
HD-DVD players $99 at Walmart (Cnet)
jDepp's SweeneyTodd early Oscar fave? (LaT via nyMag)
New series from Buffy's jWhedon (intvu via wSmirch)
Documentary dares to interview Iraqi resistance (cPunch)
Ten weirdest science experiments (NewSci-UkG via Jez)
Many dressed as AmyWinehouse for Halloween (1pg-phat via Vh1)
mStreep is nEphron's JuliaChild (Cinem-no-pic)
jRosenbaum rave for finalcut 'BladeRunner' (Chgo-shortish)
Terror-alarmism is stupid and expensive (Schneier via jm)
Video/audio of nanotube radio (yTube-30sec via pGen)
Gmail too slow for Google VP (Blgscpd)
2007: Oct Sep1 Aug2 Aug1 July June May April2 April March Feb