(i'm surprised)
- it's the algonquin roundtable redux:
a universal competition
to say memorable things
in 140 characters or less
the more you're Favorite-d, the better you're doing
if you're not finding
a dozen tweets a day
worth Favoriting...
you're doing it wrong
look at others' Favorites
to find the wits you like best
and doublecheck their own Favorites
so you can subscribe (by rss)
to those who'll broaden your scope - bookmark twitter searches
watch for interesting hashtags
or mentions of interesting people
(these are also rss-able)
get comfortable with searching on @-names
to check others' replies
before replying yourself - keep reloading hashtag-searches
during interesting events
(#oscars #sotu #superbowl #ted)
or favorite teevee shows (#house)
to sample an infinite range of reactions
and occasional insights
temporarily follow
the best of these - add friends and family
(and celebs you wish were f&f)
not expecting algonquin wit
but grateful for random
keeping-in-touch tweets - ask/answer questions of the #lazyweb
monitor memes
announce time-critical tidbits
twitter is like usenet
where you subscribe to
people not topics
spamfree by design
intolerant of prolixity
easily capturing stray thoughts
and trying them out
on a mostly-forgiving audience