06 October 2008

October 2008 links

5 prose samples each using a single vowel (BBC via lNut)

Readable knot-theory update (sciNews)

NoChildLeftBehind sucks (Sam)

'Mufin' hopeless algorithmic music-recommender (sekrit code works 20 times)

Rebooting 'conservatism' (amCon-longish)

MemeWatch: 'USAmericans' (7000hits)

Paradoxical stats on money, education, and natural selection (sciBlog)

Bkgrndr on BravoTV exec (Jz w/link)

CounterPunch is unreadable (RWx-short)

McCain's neocon bozo mGoldfarb (Harpers w/2vids)

Halloween hobo-signs (1pg via L&T)

NatalieDee's Oct2008 archive (1pg-loong)

where hubcaps / wash ashore like giant sad sequins (vDaily-dontmiss)

Novelist WmWharton RIP (litCem)

Nude w/cat (flickr)

Meat-is-murder robot-art by Banksy (Flash-2min via Waxy)

Blondie's seemed funny/?hip lately (uh-oh?)

Dante's Inferno's videogame's ...movie? (Variety via Ktku)

Pompous online-for-$ style manual gets example wrong (vshort via NYRB-ad)

Arcane eWilson/mMcCarthy gossip (NYRB-longish)

Contentious ArundhatiRoy intvu (long-arcane-local)

Meteoritic clues to early SolarSystem (lSci)

NaomiKlein on the bailoutscam (Nation-shortish)

IcemanOetzi's family tree a dead end (lSci)

RWx housekeeping post (RWx-meta-dontmiss)

How various logos evolved (1pg via L&T)

Israel gets FoxNews, not CNN or MsNbc (mWeiss-vshort)

1st GgChrome update, finally (official)

Hilary Swank impersonates EllenD (Flash-2min)

Bogus new kingdom-of-David claims (Haaretz)

jMalkovich intvu (Esq-shortish)

Long LyndaBarry intvu from June (cRep-1pg w/pix)

Online group-reading of Lolita (dY)

kitchen-window light / settles on the grass like a picnic cloth (NPR-vshort)

140char rave for GgAndroid (cShirk)

Bland Bjork on Iceland's woes (ukTms via Jz)

Good/bad drug movies (ukG-rant)

US$ overvalued (dBaker)

Toward perfect online self-aggregation (pGyf)

'big think books' = Gladwell/Levitt/Friedman/etc (ukG-short)

kd lang tourdates (short)

'green-eyeshade conservatism' = cutting waste (iSteve-short)

Vvvvlo-tech spectrometer (1pg via edV)

The housingbubble was easy to spot (dBaker)

Why Americans are dumb (Monbiot)

AEP on IMF-in-crisis (ukTel-arcane via Mish)

Neocons at NewYorker magazine (mWeiss)

DFW autopsy (TSG-4pg)

Longer update on Iraq resistance (Cnsrtium)

Thumbdrive Linuxes compared (lHack)

'popcorning' = accidental a-bomb chain reaction (Wired via uTms)

If famous authors wrote diy guides (1pg-long via dBreast)

Painting toy 'Bomomo' (Flash via aestok)

and then the low voice / of the man talking softly praising the mule (NYer)

jStewart on IsraelLobby (5min w/transcript)

Nearby giant stars (astroPic)

Bailout conspiracy theories ?debunked (Mish-longish)

RayBradbury vs JohnHuston re MobyDick (sciBlog)

pKrug puzzled by worldwide crashing (shortish)

Obama extended-family album (14of14pg via vBoat)

'hype cycle' = techno boom/bust (graphs via Ktku)

(not kansas) (flickr)

Hannibal/Christ (flickr)

"Life is good" (flickr)

Farflung subtypes of Cyc's 'intelligent activity' (list-arcane)

Iraq parliament is booting USA out (IPS via Sam)

No-$-down mortgages were wBu's baby (iSteve-graph)

Try prosecuting hedgefunds as gambling? (Sam)

GgBlogSearch: "ponzi bailout" (5000 hits)

Ponzi schemers recommend doubling down (Sam)

rFisk: Lebanon outlawed derivatives (ukInd)

Live GgDocs tech-layoff tracker (Wired via gPost)

UkG adds fulltext rss feeds (UkG)

HomelandSecurity redefines homeland (map via /.)

Tips for living in yr car (1pg via uTms)

Worldmap of water resources (4Mb-pdf)

Carved-B-for-Barack story a hoax (E&P)

Euro still plungeing (graph)

Thoughtful Joyce overview (long)

aGreenspan vs AynRand (dBaker)

Long deep MikeLeigh intvu (OnionAV)

GgAndroid-hacking disappointments (Obl-short)

Wry aGreenspan 'If I Did It' (iGreed)

Fun LyndaBarry update (vVoice w/pix)

Biologists bash Spore (long w/vid via /.)

1987 rCrumb doc (GgV-60min)

Philosophical economist's perspective (mMcA-long)

The usual skills-transfer story (diagram-arcane)

Fascinating MadMen intvu (long via Fim)

Jewish IsraelLobby rant (Berkeley)

Reallife perils of GuitarHero (longish)

NewberyMedal winners share formula (list w/spoilers via neg)

jStewart unmasks Palins as grifters (Jz-90sec)

10 books w/hidden messages (UkG-list)

3 new GetYrWarsOn (mnftiu)

Witty dBaker vs NPR (short)

Time to index: 16 minutes (GoogleMemeTest)

POW McCain 1968 intvu (QT-5min via wakeUp)

Humans maladapted for suburbia (Wired w/60min-yTube)

JimmyKimmel cooks imaginary meatloaf (2min-friv)

Gorgeous gossip-visualisation (Vh1-dontmiss)

sPalin set to smart pianojazz (yTube-60sec via eAard)

S&P chose shortterm profits over accurate ratings (iGrd-short)

OPEC nations' different price-targets (Blmbrg via iGrd)

1996 critique of BoingBoingism (FMU-toon)

Classification of XML-delusions (ACM-arcane)

Obama team includes antizionists (aThnk-short)

UK gangs c1880 (UkG w/pix)

'vom' = vomit(-worthy) (uDic via Jz)

TomFrank redeconstructs liberal/conservative memes (WSJ)

ArchimedesPlutonium still posting like mad (GgGroups)

Sorting-algorithms visualised (1pg-gifs via angus)

american dream (Sinfest)

Nice sPalin joke (oDchgo)

Ten Most Difficult Words to Translate (short via lf)

pMech's best gadgets of 2008 (1pg via lf)

Lucid synopsis of rFisk's analysis of mideast (aWar)

Utah 'potholes' rethunk as dino tracks (sciBlg w/pix)

4 Stewart-Gaskin tunes incl LeviStubbs tribute (MySpace)

Rave for PS3 LittleBigPlanet (gsW via Ktku)

Machinima filmfest nominees (1pg w/links via Ktku)

Where odors of humus and granite / Seemed things one could live on (longish)

Moody's' role in the crash (FT-loong via iGrd)

New WayneWang movie debuts on yTube (80min via sBright)

Obama "a rock star with the under-10 crowd" (short via mCass)

Latest theories on dog domestication (Dsc/Msn via gPost)

8*8 atomic bitmap (pic)

Witty SNL w/SarahPalin (2vids)

Slave poetess's 235th anniversary (Jz w/poem)

'slumper' = passed-out seated in car (dTongue)

Enya update (ieInd-long)

Read free classics in emailed dollops (site)

rFeynman's 1964 critique of school-textbook biz (etext)

Beware the arctic liver (rThumb-vshort)

'wwgd' = what would google do (buzzM-long)

Hedgefund manager's thoughtful farewell (pFol via gPost)

Overview of interactive-fiction contest entries (eShort)

Upbeat case study in academic self-publishing (jePub via edV)

Tasteful econ and lit blog (jLund)

Depressing jStiglitz update on bailout (UkG via jLund)

a 'cellar door' = intrinsically beautiful phonemes (Wiki via jLund)

Like jazz, baseball rushes, / pauses to think about itself, then takes off again (longish)

Outrageous WallSt bonuses continuing (UkG via vBoat)

Pull your dress off and find the wind (arcanish)

Survey of 'W' reviews (Jz?!)

MrFish's GOP obit (Hrprs-toon)

dLetterman deftly squeezes jMcCain (yTube-9min via Yeeah)

Awesome multicolor flickr-image search (Flash-dontmiss)

Worldwide crash reboots IMF (moonAL)

Parkour pros love parkour vidgame (Flash-3min)

Koran lyric forces Sony mega-game recall (Ktku w/wav)

Black ballerina Barbie (pic via Jz)

'BlackSwan' neologisms (arcane-list via lNut)

McCain-tongue pic variously photoshopped (Vh1/FMU-2pg)

'Granger causality' in the brain (varcane)

Ideal time to observe Mercury (lSci w/skymap)

Prankish tests of Transportation Security Admin. (Atl-long)

Food prices trending down!? (graphs)

jkRowling's slytherins as antisemitic? (blog-2003)

NancyDrew plot template (blog-2006)

By their fonts ye shall know them (oDinny)

New MaryCoughlan video (Flash-4min)

36 jews who shaped the 2008 campaign (Ha'aretz)

Miller-Urey update (sciBlg w/pic)

'risk adverse' achieves 31%-errors level (GgBattle)

aGreenspan's denials provided cover for execs (dBaker)

Dark-matter bubbles sound different (phWorld)

$90 'Heathkit2008' (Make)

Electron ?= moebius photon (flickr w/links)

Icon-design tips (1pg-arcanish)

IfTheWorldCouldVote (map)

aSullivan's WhyIBlog, the short version (Fim w/link)

Generic 'meta-' prefix dates from 1917 (Wiki)

Jan2008 profile of The Other Paulson (John not Henry) (WSJ)

Illustrated rave for GgAndroid (1pg-long)

Pic of turing machine in Conway's Life (varcane via sVal)

16 top women scientists since Hypatia (1pg w/pix)

The tender wish to buy this world... (Poems-short)

Brainy celebs confess guilty pleasures (UkG-2007 via gPost)

'House' (tv) timeline (short via mCass)

Nifty robot rolls on adjustable spokes (Flash-3min)

the road is made by walking (short via sPuzz)

Etymology of 'maverick' excludes McCain (Sam)

Political chessboards (800*800 gif)

Scheduler maps yr day radially (pix via Ellen)

Neocon strategies to handcuff Dems' administration (cPunch-longish)

Instant-classic rant about US priorities (cPunch-longish)

Flash-cookies security threat (/. w/links)

MartaSebestyen 1979 video (yTube-7min)

"your souls are all festering masses of corruption" (oDvrwhr)

JesseJ claims Obama is secret antizionist (nyPost via mWeiss)

Vision algorithms tested on captchas (tRev via /.)

ToriAmos working on musical (ukInd via Jz)

Chimps are people too? (Wired via vBoat)

MemeWatch: taiChi/chaiTea (20k hits)

Jewish-banker-conspiracy self-parody (1pg-quiz-no-answers via mWeiss)

Nude female taiko drummers (Flash-2min)

Remapping Strunk&White to software-stylistics (longish)

Such a fine time I had teaching in Indiana (NPR)

"With the exception of Gary's Shutter Store, the downtown shopping district is now completely shuttered" (Onion is back)

astonishment / gone small in me, a trinket // jingling in my sleep (vDaily-short)

Bank deregulation is for the goys (Ha'aretz via i38)

18 classic artmusicvids (2pg)

29 predictions of 2000 from 1900 (long-list)

"A funny thing happened to me this morning" (pKrug)

"Ghosts and Spirits, please leave us alone" (flickr)

UK's Brown saves the day (pKrug)

eWurtzel update (lawschool) (WSJ-intvu via mCass)

1806 interp. of musical keys' emotional tones (etext-list)

Market-crash foto-tips (blog#pics-friv via mMcA)

Unpretentious beatbox toy (Flash via etHein)

Cogsci analysis of bubble delusions (Atl-list via mCass)

Vowel sounds have relative pitch-values (Wiki-short via etHein)

Manet's fave model's only known painting (scroll-down)

Making higher-ed a better investment (chE-May2008)

Build an underground house for $50 (bkrev via kasei)

The tangled web Lehman wove (arcane via iGreed)

'NoTwinkie' database of game-design errors (toc via Ktku)

Crash-foresight incompatible with big-biz-skills? (iGreed-shortish w/link)

11Byo galaxy's rotation measured (sciBlg-cool-arcanish)

11 Things I Learned While Trying to Figure Out the Financial Crisis (longish via angusF)

Mellow review of Pirsig homage (bkrev-Ca)

DeweyDecimalTags (delicious)

Watch Pres. Obama get the Clinton smear-treatment (pKrug-short)

Lifehacker/PostSecret mashup (lHack thread)

Fun facts about Tardigrades (s4Sissies)

Vcool semantic Wikipedia browser (demo w/8min-Flash)

Professional bloggers' payscale (RWW via angusF)

Update on extracting semantics from Wikipedia (arcanish)

Cakes misspell 'congratulations' variously (1pg)

Fidel blogs! (Cuba-English)

nGaiman reads latest book in full (10-vids via tOccult)

Virgin birth ?common in sharks (sciBlog)

Poverty promotes (hacker) community (Obl)

Infamous BrownBunny-bj avi (xxx-50Mb-HU)

39yo Christian Slater gets GED (Pple via Vh1)

GgW now summarising (some) forum activity (GgOS)

New lit Nobel nobody knows (Wiki)

Cover heroine has 3 hands (Fail-pic)

Anomalous noncoding DNA strongly conserved (lSci)

Shahak-alike makes Israeli bestseller list (bkrev)

Obama leads 7-11 coffeecup 'poll' 58/42 (E&P)

XML portability fails even simplest realworld tests (short-arcanish)

8 kinds of fun (wPlay-list)

Nice reality-test of McCain's '$1M overhead projector' (s4Sis)

Fine TomFrank piece that dBaker ?was finetuning (WSJ)

LoC thinks doorbells are (have?) souls (3000*3000 jpeg)

"Barger's pages sprawled..." (blog)

Debates lack humanity (Sam)

dBaker draws a neat line for TomFrank (vshort)

Sophisticated BBC programs-ontology (1pg-arcane)

Cute kidpic (flickr-nonfavethough)

KateMoss art-portraits (1pg via Twttr)

Witty Twitterer (Fim)

Lexipedia = bouncy thesaurus visualisation (Flash)

GetYrWarOn's 9-course breakfast (blog-friv)

"I want flan" (oDvrwhr)

Gmail's been 'beta' for almost 5yrs (oThink-vshort)

GgWeb may get 'update' feeds (dInsp)

How many investment bankers were on antidepressants? (dBeast via gPost)

Lmtd-time discount on laptops via MS search (Make)

50 artiest yTube vids (UkG-1pg via proJo)
Fey Japanese-ballerina clock (Flash via dNotes)
wBuffett aces new 'greatness' formula (Esq-2pg)

Pinhole pix of Sun's path (5pg via mcC)

Mystery cliffs at Mars' north pole (astroPic)

Rightwing tilt in SNL sketch (mWeiss)

Vvvbizarre Brangelina autographs (Vh1-pic)

Security cam catches ?2007 ?Turkish landslide (yTube-60sec-dontmiss via Sam)

Political tagclouds (recent and historic) (blog)

WaPo quotes dBaker!? (web-only?)

Even the Crash has an upside (dBaker)

New ArundhatiRoy intvu (nState)

New GetYrWarOn paperback collection (Az via mnftiu)

"26,000 product placements in 2007" in top-10 TV shows (p2of7 via Cinem)

SarahPalin's '84 evening gown (yTube-60sec)

Free mix includes 2 IncredibleStringBand mp3s (sFungus)

Heavyhanded Onion 1783 parody-issue (multipage)

Statistics and crashes of WallSt/SpaceShuttle (iGreed)

Sinfest rss feed (blog)

Democracy has been broken since Reagan (Sam-long)

'Chekhov's gun' = plot-device introduced early (dTongue)

Damn it feels good to be a banksta (Sinfest-dontmiss)

Sorting by usual-story (RWx-short)

'universe made of stories' sourcepoem (GgBooks)

alone down there / in the silt and shade, finding out what he was (vDaily)

Japan's subtle colornames (Wiki via eAard)

the way i would have cared for the child had i had (Issa-mySpace)

Funny timely 'WallSt' movie memoir (laTms via gPost)

3 short tiltshift timelapse videos (Flash via Waxy)

angel on the sun (astroPic)

I loved putting on my steel-toe, lace-up / Work boots in the morning (Poems)

Nice postsecret secret (jpg)

DeclanMcC reads the bailout fineprint (long via wakeUp)

Jz starts 'RecessionSpecial' frugal-fastfood category (just one so far)

WaPo understands GgGears a lot better'n me!?? (dang, via mShook)

Semanticweb fan, disillusioned (Mar2008 via 2mm)

MemeWatch: 'we have backstory' (cWrecks-2pg) [18hits]

Google has decent text-to-speech avail (GgOS w/link, mp3)

[url fixed] 'Dean Baker' achieving visibility/celebrity (GgTrends)

Autistic women unite (UkTel-3pg)

30Sep DeanBaker vid (Flash-4min)

Prescient Marx quote on bailout (cPunch-vshort)

Update on extremist violence in Israel (cPunch)

Nietzschean thought-experiment (vshort)

Critical 50s brotherbattle over abstract expressionism (long-arcane)

GgSuggest quick-check for scam company-names (vshort)

Japanese women love Nintendo DS (Ktku-graph)

Walt/Mearsheimer is $10 in paper (Az)

1st chapter of new leCarre (NyT)

Hit-music-genres-since-2000 graph (vsArray)

'#lazyweb' = Twitter info requests (searchpattern)

Literate Dylan tribute (long via Anrchia/Triv)

leCarre reminisces (UkG-scroll-down)

cHitchens on Eton (vFair-loong)

AMA corrects caduceus-logo gaffe (sciBlog w/pix)

'Nature' magazine covers-gaffe (pic via etHein)

New Alanis video (Flash-5min)

GgAppEngine's vdisappointing limits (arcane via Steve)

Deep 7yos (oDinny)

Sordid backstory of overleveraged banks (NyT via dBaker)

Refreshing JimRogers scorning Paulson/Bernanke (6yTubes)

Mysterious 'silent' DNA conserved by evolution (mWatch-arcane)

Modest hopes for semantic web (RWW-Feb)
Gratifying glimpse of WallSt evil (iGreed-vshort w/link)

Animated map of Walmart's spread (fData via lf)
Nearby galaxy edge-on (astroPic-wide)

Newish computer chess champ, Rybka (Wiki)

Free online interactive horror flick (tOccult w/link)

pKrug surveys armageddon (NyT-shortish)

[broken url fixed] 'Fortune' on credit default swaps (yikes-2pg via iGreed)

Tagclouds-over-time via slider-widget (TagLine)
$700 ultrasonic 'wine ager' (UkTel via /.)

Worldwide aQ progress update (aTms via mjb)

Philosophy of '[nearly] all above average' (graphs via gPost)

100 skillz every 'man' shd know (pMech-11pg w/vids via lf)
Who to trust re bailout??? (Pragm)

Best-paid authors 2008 (UkG-list)

Canonical birthdayboy WallaceStevens (RWx-links)

W's Dow (broken:Yahoo-chart)

Hi-res Jupiter using adaptive optics (pic)

AngLee doing Woodstock flick (Reuters via Cinem)

NYC at 1/3000th scale (Make)

Solid gold KateMoss statue (pix via Vh1)

ClorisLeachman achieves archetypehood (Jz-pic)

Great-writers'-names pronunciation guide (list)

Forgotten history of LBJ and Israel (jPress via wakeUp)

Obama follows iSteve's lead (short)

GgBlogs redesign looks like GgNews (site)

Ancient 'Christ the ??Magician' bowl (Ralph w/link, pic)

Free etext of dBaker's "Conservative Nanny State" (Scribd)

Tumblr mirror loses some pix, slow w/Twitter (RWx2)

Solid dBaker antibailout update (TPM-shortish)

'Difficult' '08 holiday movie season (adAge)

sPalin plays flute in '84 pageant (yTube-3min via Waxy)

Americans too insular for lit Nobel? (UkG)

Literate c1980 acid trip (blog-long)

Winning gTheftA w/fewest possible crimes (loong via nTendo)

Flickr set compares morningsky colors (dNotes-thumbs)

Online resources for litcrit class (etexts)

Web-service links subsegments of yTube vids (Splicd via vBoat)
Admirable jStewart Iran-intvu (Flash-6min via wakeUp)

dRushkoff followup to bubble critique (Magpie)

35 entries in interactive-fiction contest (free download via gTxA)

2008: Sep Aug Jul Apr Mar Feb Jan
2007: Dec Nov Oct Sep2 Sept Aug2 Aug1 July June May April2 April March Feb

no rss: cBank nDee mnftiu ljb verse

(numbers in parens are delicious linkcounts, indicating belatedness)