06 October 2008

Visualising energy

human body = one gallon per 8 lbs
12 gallons per 100#
60% water = 7 gallons water per 100#
16% fat = 2 gallons fat per 100# (16#, 7kg)
22% protein = 2.6 gallons protein per 100# (22#, 10kg)

3.8*10^4 joule = energy in gram of fat
2.7*10^8 joule in 7kg

1.7*10^4 joule in gram of protein
1.7*10^8 joule in 10kg

4.4*10^8 joule in 100# body

4.186*10^3 joule = 1 Calorie
1 kiloCalorie per pound in human body

3.6*10^6 joule = kilowatt-hour
100 kW-hr per 100# body
half a microgram of antimatter [cite]

1.5*10^10 joules in a ton of wood [cite]
40 100# humans

10 tons per tree?
400 humans

1.74*10^17 joule = solar energy worldwide per second
400 million 100# humans per second
10 million tons of wood
1 million trees

10^36 photons/second [cite]

10^14 joule = solar energy trapped by photosynthesis per second [cite]
(10^33 photons or 0.1% cite)
20 million 100# humans per second

4*10^26 joule = energy generated by fusion in Sun per second [cite]
10^20 kW-hr (100 quintillion)
8*10^19 100# humans per second?

